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| Wednesday, October 01, 2008 You see, it is not just once a week ! I can do more than a post a week !! Anyway. Sunday was one of those really tiring relaxing days. What was meant to be a quiet day at home, with ironing and washing turned out really different. Waking up around 9 meant it was too late to go to morning church so I settled for going at 11.30. Took my time getting ready, watching some SATC, and finally went in and sat down. Good thing I was early, because by the time it started for real, it was really full ! Perhaps it will be less crowded at the earlier sessions. Got out at about 1 to go for lunch with FredBear and RoxBear all the way at Repulse Bay, SouthSide of HK island. We went back to the St Kilda-esque place called The Repulse Bay, where we ate at Spices. It has received lots of good reviews and we were pleased with the food we ordered there too. Cold fruit drinks, fried rice, butter chicken curry, aloo gobi...yum....... Then we took our time walking around the seaside, not actually on the beach, but on the road next to the beach, and dreamt about buying houses around the area, and just talking rubbish. It was quite amazing to see the number of people on the beach, but I guess it is still technically the end of summer, so still a lot more sun to go around. It seems that, tanning is back in fashion too, as you can see many going around with really dark tans. Drove around the area for a while, before dropping RoxBear off at Pacific Place. This was also near where GAHil lived, so we dropped by her place for a while. Fielded around lots of ideas for plans for the evening, and finally decided to first pick up GATra and MrWai, which was an adventure, since FredBear rarely drives to Kowloon. Armed with an iPhone GPS and a trusty navigator (me) we, started out for Sam Sui Po. We got there in the end, about half an hour later. Then we decided to head off for Gold Coast, for dinner. Halfway there though, we got sidetracked by thoughts of roast goose at Sham Tseng. So off we went there for for the famous roast goose. Being so far away, it was kind of surprising and also an eye opening experience to see parts of Hong Kong that you will rarely see without travelling in a car. Very interesting indeed. Food was fantastic and we also looked at some great views along the road. Apartments with these views are very expensive but it seems to be really worth it. Not only do you see the famous Tsing Ma Bridge, longest suspension bridge for traffic and rail in the world, you also get great scenes of the sea, HK Island and views of the bay. By the time we got back home, we were really exhausted and faced with going to work the next day was really depressing. Luckily, Wednesday is National Day for China and is a holiday. Now that it is noon, and it is halfway through the holiday, let me do a little recap. Worked from 7 to 9.30 yesterday and was lucky that did not promise to go to Ocean Park with many of the rest of the bank staff (they booked the whole place for a Halloween bash). Got home late, hungry and tired, but ended up with dinner of Pringles, Ritz and Vitamilk. Got up at about 8 in the morning, after about 6 hours of sleep (it is really automatic now for me), and then cleaned house. First it was wiping all the countertops (really dusty arghh killing me) then the floor. Then did 2 weeks of backdated ironing. Blah. Now just thinking of the rest of the day. Hopefully a quiet day. |