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| Saturday, September 13, 2008 Worked 14 hours today and ended up at a dinner appointment 2 hours late. But I guess the great part of it all was that, it was an enjoyable time at work even though it was crisis time, and the whole team worked wonderfully well together and provided great support. At that time, it felt great to be part of the team. That has gotta be good news. And then later at mahjong, self picked a 13 Unique Wonders Hand, after watching 2 people almost get it. Wahaha. Happy. Am ridiculously tired nowadays, and actually accidentally fell asleep at 9 pm yesterday night. Slept till 4 am before I realised. I guess I should really try to move my sleeping time back to latest 11 pm. Now it is about half past 2 am, Saturday morning, and though my eyes are really tired, I am just trying to stay awake for a while more. After all, this is long weekend !! Monday is a holiday for MidAutumn and is my first non work weekday !! What a relief. After having to forgo two whole almost public holidays for everyone else due to typhoon........... Finally time to relax... |