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| Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Gosh, I am getting more and more dense or blur or tired or preoccupied. I was pumping petrol (or at least I thought I was) when the attendant came up to me in a great state of agitation. I could not even understand what he was saying until I realised that I was actually standing in a huge puddle of gas. It was a case of pumping petrol onto the car, instead of into the car. Gosh. Just imagine if I had a phone call at that moment, or if someone just smoked nearby, or if a shooting star had landed at the station. Anyway, it was a moment, that I had, and I realised how lucky we all are, and we probably face about a million life threatening situations every day (if you do not, then perhaps you are not really living) and yet never quite die. Had another two interviews in a row, and I think (hope !) they went well. Tone was pretty good actually and the more I think about it, the more I want to work there. Gosh. Stress. Anticipation is killing me. Not to mention I have started to fall behind on my study schedule. As IzyBear mentions, we spent Sunday at KLCC for Melbourne Uni Open Day. Volunteered and got a pretty cool polo, a lapel pin, a certificate....food.....erm... But I think the best part of it was meeting so many people, (alumni and anxious parents alike) and convincing them that UniMelb is such a great place. I know I had fun, reminiscing about the time that I spent there. Seriously, talking about a place brings back so many memories, and you would be surprised how small the university is, as everyone seems to be connected in one or two degrees ! Also attended a talk meant for newbies, called 'Living In Melbourne' I think, where a couple of people, IzyBear included talked about how great it was to live and study there. It was very .. emotional. Until I realised that one issue that was important to both him and WBear was that they would not sweat after several hours of sport. I never realised that this could be such an important selling point at all. I have never given second thought about this issue, but thinking about it, I believe KeeBear was quite happy about this as well when he first came. Hmm. But seriously, is it not a bit more icky, as not sweating means all the dirt and yukky waste is still kept in your body ? MKBear, I realise I still have not sat down to do your tags. I promise I will, someday, soon..(I hope) hahahah. Just need to get down on it. Saturday, May 24, 2008 Ooooh, watching Speed Racer has a bad effect, it makes you speed even more, while imagining that you are flying along the track, as you make "racing sounds" inside your head. Haha. Study. Am officially on study leave, which means, I will not be in the office for the next two weeks. It could be really great, except that I actually have to study. I really do not mind studying, just that the THOUGHT of studying is bad. Wait, what was it that I was supposed to do again ? Oh. Study. Right. Thursday, May 22, 2008 Whoever said that life is a rollercoaster was so right. The past few days could be described as just more CFA and jobsearch drama. But of course not all bits of the drama can be told yet. Perhaps one day when the drama is over, I will be able to laugh over what has transpired over this period. But for now, tensions run high, lots of underground and background politics are happening in smoke filled rooms. International communication is tense, tight and few secrets are leaked. Private conversations are heavy with sarcasm, annoyance, depression and guarded secret leakages. Hope it will blow over soon. Saturday, May 17, 2008 The decision making section Part 1 has ended. Unfortunately, the scary resulting shortlisting section has begun ! Interviews for certain positions have already been scheduled from Monday onwards. Trepidation. But yes, let me not get everyone bored with that. Yesterday I had lunch at RedBox Plus. Buffet at RM20, with 2 hours of singing. Amazing. Haha. Well. NOT cheaper than the RM7 at Sungeiwang RedBox, but it HAS been a while since I went for karaoke lunch. And had some fun. Ooh, and they served salmon steak as well. Good. Otherwise, it is all about study. Study for CFA. Hope I pass and get it over with. Study for job interview. Try and find out everything about the manager, and the department, type of work done, type of personality, birthdays, pull strings, previous work places.......sort of like doing detective work. A month will bring SO many changes ! Sunday, May 11, 2008 Someone asked me this weekend which form in school was I currently in. *Pleased. Haha. So it SEEMS that I have still got it. What is it though ? I suppose the ability to act/feel/be younger than I am ? Although, some would questions if that was indeed truly something to be proud of. To me. Yes. For someone who has to act all grown up, and be mature at work, and get things done professionally all the time, yes. For I hold on tight to my youth and immaturity and playfulness and innocent joy at good, clean fun. So it feels great for me, when someone recognises that I might not as adult as I should be, when I am not trying to be an adult. I am an adult, most of the time anyway. Nothing wrong in letting go of all inhibitions and being carefree and young once in a while. Saturday, May 10, 2008 Time can fly. Blink an eye and a whole week has gone by. I spent the whole week at the office in the city, mainly (mostly) preoccupied with the job search thingy. At least now that the deadline is over, I can hardly worry about it any more can I ? My final five job applications were to London, Dubai, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Big cities. Probably amazing life to live in those places. Well, we will see. And will probably know by the end of the month or perhaps a little more. Meanwhile, with the deadline over, the next thing to look forward to will be 25th May. Got myself volunteered at the Melbourne University booth at KLCC. I think it is part of Education Australia ? I really should look it up. But for now, that is something to look at. And of course CFA examination is on June 8th. Grrrr. Study Study Study !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunday, May 04, 2008 Argh..body ache again...after another badminton session. I really gotta get more exercise, hence looking forward to the next session even though I dread it. My phone died. In a weird way. Like a heart attack or something. It moans in a high pitched sound until I took out its brain (SIM). My shoes died. The soles removed themselves. Bought a new pair already though. Wahaha. Excuse to buy shoes. Always good. I was getting bored of them too. My right thumb was skinned and blistered. Bandaged, and hurts mildly. Forsee no problem there. Amazing how much can happen in one session of badminton. Friday, May 02, 2008 Whoa it is Friday. This week has certainly passed quickly. After working on Monday and a break on Tuesday, the team had a karaoke session on Wednesday. Thursday was holiday and I took Friday off, so tomorrow is already Saturday !@! Did that make sense ? But this means that I only have a week to go before I sit down and harden my heart and resolve and pick my final five jobs that I will apply too. More things than ever have come into consideration and it is quite hard to make a decision. Wait. Make this very hard. Argh. No wonder I have not been sleeping well this entire week. I wonder if there are karaoke joints and Mahjong players in Dubai ? The only consolation I have this week is that I have done a fair bit of studying and I finally got to sing in Red Box Plus' biggest room. And it was a very very very satisfying sing. |