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| Saturday, March 29, 2008 Yesterday night, we finally finally finally went to watch 27 Dresses. We have been waiting for this movie to come out ever since Chinese New Year. So finally to sort of celebrate JinBear and RaeBear's final interview, we planned to have dinner at Bavarian Bierhaus (where I sat in the same booth for the third time in three times) and then watch the movie. Of course joined by MeiBear and KwanBear. The movie was FANTASTIC. Well, I know I shall get over the hype and be more objective with the reviews later, but at this moment, I am still basking in the afterglow of emotions after the movie and fell all floaty and lovey and huggy and everything. It was sooooooo...........something that I needed. I need rocoms (romantic comedies) from time to time, especially when I get a little stressed at work, and it was just at the right time. Katherine Heigl is still as pretty as ever, James Marsden still suave, and the combination worked out quite well. Even the sister was pretty. And the best romantic comedies that I love are the ones that deal with weddings .. (eg Wedding Planner, Best Friend's Wedding, Wedding Crashers, Wedding Singer, Runaway Bride, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Wedding Date....). I so did not google that list. Haha. Now I feel like watching MBFGW again.. Wait a minute, the word wedding seems a bit weird at the moment, like I spelt it wrong, but it is just something...Oh wait, I can see how it works now... Yea anyway, I LOVE wedding shows. And then we were discussing our ideal weddings. And I am ashamed to say it, but I want a wedding. Lol. Just like how in the movie someone said "You do not want a marriage, you want a wedding...". Yep. That is me. At the moment anyway. HAHAHAHAHA. But it was soooooooooooooooo sweet. UNTIL THIS STUPID KID SITTING IN FRONT OF US STOOD UP DURING THE CREDITS AND SHOUTED THAT THE SHOW WAS SO BORING AND THAT HE WOULD RATHER WATCH 10,000 BC. > <"" I wanted to slap him. How dare he ? When the credits were still rolling and there were still things to watch !!!!?!?!?!??!?! I was indignant the whole way home and we even called RoxBear and SharBear to tell them about it. We retired to the House of Fun (JinBear's house) and played some rummy. I won once, and lost all my money. Sort of a foregone conclusion. Sigh. Yes. Anyway. Remind me to make JinBear and RaeBear watch "Just Follow Law' which is a really good Singaporean comedy released last year. REMIND ME !!!! YES. KOREA. DAMN EXCITED. In a few hours, will be "Seoul-ed Out !" Have a good week everyone ! Wednesday, March 26, 2008 Crossroads. Faced with uncertainty between what used to seem like a university dream come true and a slew of incentives to forage new links with the world, life is slightly stressful. Good news is that this in no ways decreases the excitement at the workplace. Lol. Which I still find very important to stay motivated at the work place. I was so tired today, I took a nap after work, and when I woke up it was all dark. Took quite a while to remember where I was !!! Especially after all the 'imaginings' that I have been having, working in various countries. I have been spending a lot of time researching tax rates, salary rates, housing rental, cost of living, transportation, employee policies...tonnes of reading. I think I can make quite a good researcher. As in gleaning information from various sources. Or would you call that an analyst ? Rest assured, this is still just the beginning of a very very very interesting year. Tuesday, March 25, 2008 I am freaking tired and aching. Blame JeanBear and IzyBear for a couple of hours of badminton. I hate to say it, but age is catching up. Urgg.. Saturday, March 22, 2008 Life has its own way of telling you that great things can come from nowhere. I was obtaining a light bulb from the store room to replace a burnt out one at home, and I came across this great pair of shoes. Damn surprised. It looked like something I would buy, as it was one of those fat skateboarding style shoes. Wide laces, brown graffiti. Took it out and asked around. Noone knew of its existence. Come to think of it, I probably bought it in Vietnam. Cool. It is almost like a present from my past self. Friday, March 21, 2008 It is Friday ! And I love Hong Kong for having both Good Friday and Easter Monday as public holidays !! Talk about a long weekend.. One week to Korea !! I really cannot wait ! Though I have started to get worried about wardrobe though...you know, things like what to wear, which to wear, how to maximise with a minimal number of pieces, mix and match combinations...Yea I know it does not have to be so complicated at all, after all, for a guy, we could probably get away with a pair of jeans, couple of tshirts and a sweater or two. You see, the thing is, I just want to have the thrill of wearing winter/spring clothes...so I would like this to be a more..fashionable ?? thrill ?????? Lol. I am not making sense..but to myself, I absolutely understand. HAHAHAHAHA. What is in store for the long weekend ? I have absolutely no plans, other than more studying for the CFA examination on June 8. Boring ? Maybe, but I find myself more and more interested in studying as I go on in life. Perhaps to make up for wasted chances while in university ? I really fear that I will end up a certificate collector. But I enjoy working as well, so am not sure how it will turn out. Perhaps a part time MBA ? Who knows. Ooh, while at LowYat with some friends who were shopping for some computers the other day, I discovered this clothes store, the one and only one there. It has some REALLY cool clothes. I would have gotten stuff if I was not in the company of people absolutely uninterested.... sigh. Maybe one day I will go back. Yes, the clothes are NOT mainstream....but those you can see on the backs of people having concerts ehehehe. Meanwhile, diet more diet more !!! Yea. Theme of my life. Diet more.. LOL. Tuesday, March 18, 2008 Oooh. Good news. One of my best friends is about4 months pregnant and she has tentatively asked me to be the godfather. Ooooh. It means I am growing old. It means a big angpow for the baby. I am not even sure if she is joking. Lol. But yes. Good news anyway. Bad news. Stupid blogger sometimes does not load ! Again ! So...that explains my lengthy absence. Yes. My lengthy absence is an absence of above 3 days, unlike some people who are hard hearted enough to leave their blogs alone for a few weeks or even months. I even know someone who makes yearly posts. *Faints. Did not do much on the weekend at all...........except for a vist to the market and a lot of studying. I guess you could call it one of my quieter weekends. One cause of that could be the fact that I was at JinBear's barbeque without a barbeque party the night before. It was more like a wine and grill party. Which was plenty of fun, except the name was not technically correct. The funniest part of it all was realising that at one point, the guests there came from a multitude of different banks, and it was almost as if, that the industry to be in at the moment, was to be in a bank. Interesting, really. Perhaps a tad narrow minded as well, because I myself could never have imagined myself working for another industry. In a way, this could be detrimental as it means that I cannot really look at the outside world, but at the same time, I guess you could say that I know what I want, and work towards it... Bleh. My trip to Korea has finally been confirmed and I will be leaving on the 29th of March. That is an important date. Another important date to note would be the 14th of April. That is when the menu of all my job choices is published, and I will start agonising over which country I would like to be in, and in what department, and where are my friends going to be in, and where are others applying to, and who my competitors are...and so on and so forth. It is going to be tough. While I am still extremely excited about working overseas, I guess sometimes one has to think about the family as well. It is almost deja vu, similar to the situation 5 years ago, when I left Malaysia on my own to study overseas. Loads of reluctance for me to go.....but I have to persist in pursuing my dreams I guess. I console myself with the thoughts that someday I will be back.... Not a very consoling thought I admit, but better than nothing. I received another MBA offer today, from CASS University in London. Very tempting. And their MBA is an intensive 1 year version, with four semesters, including potentially overseas exchanges for a few months. Very very tempting indeed. But again, I am loathe to leave my career at the moment, with so many new and exciting things happening that I suppose I would have to postpone my MBA dreams for a couple more years, perhaps for 5 years ? I guess in the meantime, I still have to complete my CFA, and of course get proper and official certifications for my FRM. Busy Busy Busy. Really looking forward to the long weekend. While Malaysians get Thursday off, as I am still following the holidays of Hong Kong, I am looking forward to holidays for Good Friday and Easter Monday ! Hurray ! Super long weekend. Can be used to catch up on some dusty friendships or tens of pages of CFA material. Hahaha. I guess there is enough time to do both. But woohoo !! Let me know if you feel like meeting up, for coffee, or food, or mahjong, or karaoke, spa session ...so on...... FINE....badminton...also can... HAHAHA.... Ah. Feels good to blog. I just like to type out my thoughts. Feels much neater, than keeping them all cramped up in my small brain. Although, currently (as of blogging time) I am still ranked first among my friends on "Who has the biggest Brain ?" on facebook. Challenge me. Wednesday, March 12, 2008 The economics of Friends For Sale can be likened to real time economics. On one hand, there are those who strive to increase their own value. These people want to have a high value placed upon oneself, much like how some people in real life want to be known, or be popular, (or at least be seen as popular). Popular products, much like those who put up a provocative profile picture or are popular among their friends will command a higher price. It does not matter even if they are only sought after by a select few, say just two consumers, the bidding war, will ensure that the price of that person increases. In the same way, in real life, property seen as hot or in high demand would command higher prices. If, say you do not fall into the above category, some may be able to increase their own price. This is done by setting up deals or contracts, for example, buy me, and I will let you keep so and so. Or they might beg or ask for help/rescue, or demand that past loyalty and friendship rules demand that they buy them to bump up their price. This is a case, in real life where manipulation of prices and rules seem to increase the value of a commodity or property, that might not be that valuable in the first place, but hard work and/or manipulation can lead to increased prices. On the other hand, there are those who are in the game to earn money. These people may or may not care about their own worth, but they like to own property which cost a lot, or at least have a huge amount of cash. One method is the volume game. You buy and sell many pets, and as you earn a little profit each time you sell, you get some more money. The more times you succesfully buy and sell a pet, the more profit you get. Simple right ? The catch is to find friends/products that have a high demand so that there would be people interested to buy them from you. Like very close friends, protective boyfriends, stalkers and parents. Or you could create artificial demand by asking other people to buy them from you. Or you could even ask another friend to help create trading volume in this product, until a third party buys them from you, hoping that one of you will buy it from him at a profit, but instead you both stop, and there, you have earned profits and walked away successfully. The other method is the value game. Instead of spending time with the high volume low value products, the idea is to buy and sell high value products. As the margins increase, or at least the change in value is higher, each trade could probably net you a lot more in net cash. So you just need one trade in a popular product albeit expensive, and you could perhaps make more than buying and selling ten cheaper friends. Understand ? And of course, as there is not much of a need for liquidity in this game, make your money work for you. There is never a reason for you to keep cash when you could have bought a friend and wait for it to be sold off, unless you are saving money to buy a really expensive friend. In which case, I would still advise you to put the cash in a high movement friend, so that they will definitely be bought away from you, so this is a good way to earn some interest on your cash. This will be all today. Tuesday, March 11, 2008 The more I use facebook, the more I learn about life. Let us not even talk about applications like Scrabulous or Chess which helps you expand your mind and help keep your brain working. Let us not even talk about groups like Youthsays where you can learn more about youths and speak up and have healthy discussions. Let us not even talk about the many quizzes which can tell you what sex character you are, which cookie type you are, and which Kama Sutra position you are. Let us not even talk about Gift applications that allow you to see how well your friends know you or care for you by sending you different types of gifts be it, a sex toy, a cookie, a hug or a big old bottle of vodka. Let us not even talk about how you can see what your friends like when they decorate their bedroom, add fish to their aquarium or engage in mass polyvore. Let us not even talk about how you can learn about commerce and the difference between high margins and high volume trading with applications like Owned, Human Pets or Friends For Sale. Let us not even talk about how one can stalk their friends and get the latest gossip and know about certain breakups, makeups and hookups by the changes on the relationship or status or even scandalous pictures. Let us not even talk about how we can see where our friends have been or how much they know about certain areas or places through the interactive maps and Where have you been ? applications. Let us not even talk about how you can see how your friends are related or for that matter how the whole world is related through the How do I know XX function on the friend list or applications like Circle of Friends. Let us not even talk about how you can find out the type of music your friends like, the bands that they are a fan of or their movie tastes or even the latest movies they have watched. Let us not even talk about how people can find out which causes or charities or movements that they care strongly about by the groups they join or causes they support. Let us not talk about how we can find out which school your friend attended, where they are working now, what they want to do, their height, weight, eye colour, or even if they are just not the type to talk about themselves. Let us not even talk about how we can see what your friends' friend think about them, their habits, their characteristics, their ugly sides, and how often they are poked and if they are sweeties or cuties or the most beautiful girl search in Ireland. Let us just talk about the simple fact, that you can learn that the world is made up of millions of different people of different races, sexes, interests, loves, habits etc etc and then see that we do live in a wonderful world after all. Saturday, March 08, 2008 Wah. Sorry for the lack of update. Somehow, I could not login. Like for real. The site could never load and how fitting that it started to load today of all days in super fast time ? It has been almost two weeks already ! OK Since that time, I have got over the emo part of my life. Blame it on GATrac and her song. Hehe. In fact there were several times when I had really good things that I wanted to post, but maybe all you will get are brief summaries now. If I remember correctly, one was all about observing people and what they wear and their hairstyles and their bags/shoes at Pavilion. It is quite interesting and I could do this people watching for a whole day. In fact at times I dream about just sitting at the cafe and looking out and writing stories about people who pass by. It would be quite interesting, and now that I have been told (by my mother no less) that it is very easy and not as expensive as I thought to write and then print my own books, I am very tempted to start a book. Maybe titled as, People on the Street. Crap. NiqBear !!! We should just write and produce a book !!!! Haha. It is good to have your dreams. I think if I did pass my CFA examinations this time around, I would probably write one. Maybe for my friends. Or maybe something that I could hand out as my wedding gifts haha. Oh yea, back to people watching. I truly believe that most people here dress better. Well of course it is supposed to be a more upscale shopping mall, but still, it is not just that their clothes are more expensive, they dress more stylishly too. Very interesting to look and keep in mind to copy. SERIOUSLY. Though I hate them all because they are skinny. I hate them for flaunting their skinniness around. Stupid people. I want to be skinny too. Hopefully someday soon. Well I do not really have to be skinny. Slimmer would be good enough, though I have kind of resigned myself to my height (finally....after almost a quarter of a century). Since then, I have played more mahjong, cut more hours out of people's work schedules, gotten much better at powerpoint, had some nice dinners, resisted buying new pants, and paid for a deposit to go to Korea !!!! I am quite excited about that. Sigh. Now comes to the hard part of picking out a wardrobe. I so want to just scream and say that I have nothing to wear. But the trip costs money as well, so.........maybe...it is time to get creative and mix and match. Sigh. I want to be rich !! RICH !!!!!!! Yes. But to move on. Elections in Malaysia. Will not say too much I guess since I am really NOT that political, but have talked about it so much in real life with so many people I guess it should be mentioned here. No arguments here though. Would just like to share my thoughts on voting. Boring process. And disappointing. All that happened was that I got a number, marked on the ballot and was out. Whole process was around ten minutes. Sigh. Where was the thrill that comes with exercising your democratic right and duty ? Lol. I would have gotten a bigger thrill if someone bought me for more than 10000 on Friends For Sale. Which brings me to facebook. I am spending too much time here. I swear, if I move to another country, I would spend less time here. After spending so much time on Human Pets, then Scrabulous and Heroes Ability, I finally succumbed to being on FFS. Human Pets I have almost given up, but the other three are going STRONG. Sigh. Takes up so much time not to mention that I have really updated my Circle of Friends and Maps................. It is evil. Though I have met lots of nice random strangers, it is not good ! No point meeting people you do not plan to meet in real life. What is the point ? No hugs. No relationships. No touching. And I did a survey which says I am a touchy feely guy. Meaning NO long distance relationships. Need them there NEXT to me. Ok. Enough ranting. Facebook...... |