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| Thursday, January 10, 2008 I want to learn how to drive a tank. After watching Aliens vs Predators 2 yesterday night, that was one of the things on my mind. OH, also a helicopter. Seriously !! Think how useful it would be if we ever got attacked by aliens. And even if everyone dies on Earth, at least my final moments were cool. Haha. Of course it would also be pretty important to know how to load all kinds of guns, and how to shoot well. How else would I be able to bust some aliens !? As for the movie itself...so-so, but I have never been a big fan of horror/sci-fi films anyway. Give me Hairspray and 27 Dresses any day ! Well, Titanic is good too, and Legally Blonde, I mean, I just want some bimbotic shows to relax too. Well, sometimes serious is good too I guess, but definitely no cheesy shows like AVP2. Bah. Almost fell asleep too. Luckily it was quite short. I watched the movie at the Summit. Which was unsurprising, given that I was watching it with YapBear and PhilBear. What was surprising was the amount of people there. Luckily we booked the tickets in advance or we would never have been patient enough to wait in line !! Seriously ! Never would I have thought that there would ever be so many people in Summit. I guess it was the eve of the Public Holiday and these people were all around the bowling and cinema area.... Still...amazing... I am bored at work. No mood. Hahaha. But I did get a new staff whom I would have to train - otherwise known as someone whom I would be pushing all my work too. Also, apparently he knows macros, (he wrote it in his CV) so he can write my macro !! Hurray !!! If he does not, I will point this lie to the Boss !!! How dare he raise my hopes ! But obviously I plan for him to write the macro as part of my magnificient plan to increase efficiency. Wahaha. Otherwise. I think I need new clothes. But, I cannot really be buying any with my closet bursting ! Sigh. Well. Maybe I need a bigger closet to burst. |