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| Tuesday, January 29, 2008 Finally I have taken the time to write about my glorious trip to Cambodia. Be patient, it can be quite a long post. As most of the others arrived in Phnom Penh the week before SherBear and I did, they did the whole tour - private beach, Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Kompong Som, Sihanoukville and the rest. Crap. The itinerary looked really good and included hot air balloons in the sunset, evening shows, water sports, orchid farms and the like. When we arrived at the airport it was pretty exciting, and more so when we saw a guy holding up a card which had our names on it, only that our genders were mixed up. What was special was that this guy was standing right at the ramp at the airport which was adjoined to the plane and not at the arrival lounge or anything. You could just tell that this guy was a little special. After a very speedy trip through immigration, where I think we went through a diplomatic lane, which was later opened up to the public, and also a speedy baggage claim, we were whisked through customs without a check. I did not even had time to hand in my customs slip ! We went out into the sun and the luggage was lifted onto a Lexus truck, complete with screens everywhere. Impressed. As we started off down the road, I was slightly amused by how alike it was to my trip from the airport when I first arrived at Ho Chi Minh. Dusty streets, few cars, loads of motorcycles, and people everywhere. Not many tall buildings but a couple stood out, like the Korean school, some ministries and there was even a roadside market. On the way, we received a call from KBear, who told us it would only be 10 minutes, and that we would be alone as the rest would only be returning from the beach at around 7 pm. All too soon, we arrived at a house. From first glance, it was alright, a four storied house with some cars and a yard. We would be surprised. KBear himself greeted us and our luggage disappeared, apparently to a guest house just two houses away. We were brought into a lavishly decorated hall, which does bear some resemblance to some of those old Malay Datuk's houses, with many wooden furniture, fish tanks and photos on the walls. Chatted a bit, and saw how busy he was with the wedding invitations. (Comment : He was wonderfully neatly dressed in shirt and slacks though, making me wonder at my own attire when I relax at home.). Then we went on a tour and first stop was a little wooden hut, not that small, in the front yard which was apparently his grandmother's office. Where she worked, because apprently she owns her own bank ! There were also some very pretty birds which talked and whistled. Around the back we were confronted with the full extent of the house. Instead of just one house of 4 storeys, I think it was actually 3 blocks of apartments of 4 storey height ! There was an elevator in between, next to the pool, surrounded by the kitchens, sauna and showers. We also experimented with the golf simulator in its own room. Then upstairs to what I felt was the crowning glory, a karaoke room, which was actually also a mini bar ! Amazing. There we tarried for a while, singing songs, while KBear left for some duties. A while later, he reappeared, and we finished the rest of the house, many parts which were being decorated for the wedding. We also met the grandmother, mother and his father, learnt the Cambodian greeting, which was two joined hands, in a clapping motion, before going to the guest house at about 6 to await the others. Once there though, we were lost. It was also about 4 stories high and had many rooms and back staircases and balconies. So SherBear and I just sat around and watched television and unpacked a bit, since we did not want our clothes to be too creased. After a while, we got bored and walked around the area. We found some restaurants and bought some drinking water as there was none at the Guest House. Then we walked back after checking out the massage place across the street. All in all, it got dark as it was around 8 pm when the rest arrived. It had been a long journey and we got assigned our beds and dressed up to go to the dinner at the Main House (henceforth called that). It was a typical Cambodian dinner with rice and soup and dishes where we talked a lot. There were only a few tables as it was some friends and family. Later there was a big discussion about the place. I learnt that the massage just opposite was called Lucky Foot (Apparently everything is lucky or big or Happy... eg Happy Burger, Lucky Massage, Happy Pizza) and that the building next door to the Guest House was the Korean embassy. In the end some guys went out to the Riverside where there were some bars and restaurants. Myself, JinBear, SharBear and VBear went for a massage. It was just as cheap, though not as comfortable as the Vietnamese ones. When we finished, we searched around for the others at the Main House and did not find anyone at the karaoke room. As we walked back to the Guest House, the Riverside people came home. Apparently later we found out there were people who played golf, and also some who hid away to use the internet somewhere. More talking and chatting around the television later, we slept. And that was just the first day.......................... Monday, January 28, 2008 RoxBear is in town ! And we went for massage in Bangsar on Sunday. Felt really good and I went for 90 minutes since she wanted to do a scrub as well. My body hurts now but it is a good hurt. Haha. And it is Monday again ! Another week to go before the weekend. Gosh. That is how time flies. I really should stop starting my sentences with And. Anyway RoxBear will be here for a week, and I think LucBear is joining us something nearer the weekend too. Interesting. We will probably head to Tamarind for dinner on Thursday so if anyone is interested, let me know. Yum. Though we will probably laugh at the menu at the Cambodian food. It will be funny. Meanwhile, since the bunch of them have gone off to Penang, it is a good time to catch up on my studies la. A bit neglected this weekend. I need my Scheweser ! Hope it is available soon. OK, you know what? I am so lazy currently to write my letters. I promise to do them this week. My letters and my resume update. This week ! For sure ! Meanwhile in other news, one of my new colleague's half crazed fiancee rampaged over to the office today. Apparently the engagement was off....so I am not sure what the whole craze was about..... Friday, January 25, 2008 Just happened to come across this article on how the third Monday of every year is known as Blue Monday because on this day every year, the most people are depressed. It is a fact ! No wonder I had such a bad Monday, although I did not feel like killing myself or just hide in the mud, but it was not exactly a great one. Thankfully I made it through, and hope I will live through lots more Blue Mondays ! RoxBear is arriving tomorrow ! SailorJoyo and SailorJeow are back in 2 weeks ! CNY is in 3 weeks time ! My maternity enjoying colleague is back Feb 24th ! Block leave in March ! Job Applications (hopefully) in April ! Move in May ! (depends on above) CFA in June ! Birthday in July ! You see ! I have got the whole next 6 months planned out. Who says I am not organised? Thursday, January 24, 2008 Facebook is down !!! Pro : Will blog instead. My fingers and arms hurt. Have been spending past 2 hours painting the house. After a month or so at my current job, I am able to finish by 2 pm. I should really think about finishing my macro. I just got so bored with it though. I guess I just have to stick with it. Hopefully SarBear's friend comes through with the solution, saving me lots of time. Meanwhile :) Congratulations to GATra who passed her CFA !!! So proud of you and happy for you too. Sigh. Even though you messaged me at like 1 am.... Was worried the whole day though ! Someone at work told he had no mood to work. I was .... pissed I guess and just wondered what he was doing at work if he did not want to do anything !? Especially since he was supposed to be working under me. Gosh. I hate people like this. What is the point of coming in and say you do not feel like working and do nothing ? And I also hate him for saying that SCB is a lousy place. If it is so lousy, why did you come to work here ? Bleh. I would have blasted him right there and then, except that it really was not worth it. Waste of time to talk to him. Waste my breath too. Anyway onward to more happy things. Like the doughnut in the fridge today that I did NOT eat. And the tiny pie that I did enjoy. Food taste so much nicer now, now that I am eating tiny portions or not at all. I enjoy it a lot more. It really is amazing sometimes. Ooooooo facebook is back on !!! Bye. Monday, January 21, 2008 You know what ? My FRM exam ID number was almost identical to my University Student ID. The only difference was that since it had only 5 digits, it was missing a number ! Freaky !! And just realised they both contain my three favourite numbers : 1 (I love number 1), 3 (my lucky number) and 0 (a wonderfully round and perfect number). Oh ! And I realised something today at work! You know you are in love, when your heart aches because you have given a part of it away. Oh gosh. That is so true ! I filled in my resume today for the exam board to give me the designation. So excited ! I simply cannot wait till I get the three alphabets in front of my name. Just a silly thought, but I could get another three if I wanted to, by paying another 2000 ringgit and sitting for 4 mini tests. Hmm. But I guess it might be overkill too soon. DinBear is leaving tomorrow, but RoxBear and LuciBear are coming over next week. Gosh. It really is becoming weeks of foreign friends after SherBear and NiqBear. And I think maybe JasBear is coming over after CNY ? Hmmmmmm.... Saturday, January 19, 2008 Out of respect for various parties involved, this is not a full post. Suffice to say, it was exceedingly fun, involved lots of Evian, convoys, loud music, bodyguards and ceremonies. From this moment on, all other weddings in our groups will be compared to this one. Great to meet several new friends and of course, know several people better. Amazing is the only word for it. MSN me if you want full details. OH ! By the way, good news upon my return. I passed my FRM exam. Now I just need to send in my work experience and I will get to place my very first set of alphabets after my name. Yay. Sunday, January 13, 2008 Am 3 kg lighter than two months ago. > < "" ONLY !????? You know what, after looking through my cupboard, I am firmly convinced that I have too many items of clothing, and too few items that I would regularly wear. Conclusion : A large walk in closet so that I can get more regular clothes. Had a dinner thing with SherBear last night at the curve. Met up with PatBear, KimBear, YinBear, SuddyBear, JeanBear and SJBear. Good to see SuddyBear, must have been about a couple of years. And cannot believe that my mind still occasionally flits back to work. I need to let go and let be. Just realise that the firm will go on without me. It is funny is it not, how we try to think that we are so important and the world stops if we are not there ? And yet, nothing is too big, noone too important, that the world just not keep orbiting. Basically, this is what is known as the Life Goes On principle. Life Goes On. With or without you. Sad, no ? But I like to think that the world, though it may keep revolving, would be a sadder place, without me. I mean, the world would be a sadder place if you had lost someone, or if someone was out of your life, or just not there any more right ? Hehe. So, it really depends. Because if your world was revolving around only one person, would it not be very very much sadder if you lost that person ? Logic and rationality asks that you therefore diversify your feelings around several people so that just in case you lose one, you still have more. So you have not lost everything. But economics teaches us that risk = reward. So by risking all your feelings and emotions on a particular concatenation of atoms, on just ONE person, we can all hope for a great reward, finding that the one you love, loves you back. ....Aw........ 3 more points to level up for Facebook's Heroes Ability.... Saturday, January 12, 2008 When I first realised that I would have to work the weekend to finish off all my work I was really angry. So angry. That I just left. Well, it was late anyway, and by that time I had already worked for 12 hours. But a little facebook later, it was much better. I facebooked before bed and facebooked when I woke up before I left. IT IS A DRUG ! So I went to office and worked. And there was noone else in there. NOBODY. So I put on the soundtrack of Hairspray and worked and sang and worked and sang. And I finished in a much faster time than I would have thought. Phew. My conclusion is that I cannot live without facebook ~ at this moment. And that it is always better to sing while working. It is like a magic spell. And the work will finish much faster. Thursday, January 10, 2008 I want to learn how to drive a tank. After watching Aliens vs Predators 2 yesterday night, that was one of the things on my mind. OH, also a helicopter. Seriously !! Think how useful it would be if we ever got attacked by aliens. And even if everyone dies on Earth, at least my final moments were cool. Haha. Of course it would also be pretty important to know how to load all kinds of guns, and how to shoot well. How else would I be able to bust some aliens !? As for the movie itself...so-so, but I have never been a big fan of horror/sci-fi films anyway. Give me Hairspray and 27 Dresses any day ! Well, Titanic is good too, and Legally Blonde, I mean, I just want some bimbotic shows to relax too. Well, sometimes serious is good too I guess, but definitely no cheesy shows like AVP2. Bah. Almost fell asleep too. Luckily it was quite short. I watched the movie at the Summit. Which was unsurprising, given that I was watching it with YapBear and PhilBear. What was surprising was the amount of people there. Luckily we booked the tickets in advance or we would never have been patient enough to wait in line !! Seriously ! Never would I have thought that there would ever be so many people in Summit. I guess it was the eve of the Public Holiday and these people were all around the bowling and cinema area.... Still...amazing... I am bored at work. No mood. Hahaha. But I did get a new staff whom I would have to train - otherwise known as someone whom I would be pushing all my work too. Also, apparently he knows macros, (he wrote it in his CV) so he can write my macro !! Hurray !!! If he does not, I will point this lie to the Boss !!! How dare he raise my hopes ! But obviously I plan for him to write the macro as part of my magnificient plan to increase efficiency. Wahaha. Otherwise. I think I need new clothes. But, I cannot really be buying any with my closet bursting ! Sigh. Well. Maybe I need a bigger closet to burst. Tuesday, January 08, 2008 Once again. Blog before facebook. Otherwise no blog. It was a crazy weekend. It started with a wild night of karaoke on Friday which ended up finishing at 2 am. It felt good since it was a long time since I sang with SharBear, RaeBear and JinBear. There were also 3 of RaeBear's friends so it is good to meet new people. A little sleep (3 hours later), I was awake and up and running. Some studying with lots of coffee later, I was back in bed after lunch. More studying (CFA is getting interesting..) and then I get an emergency call to pick up NiqBear at the airport. It was funny and my mom even had enough time to get me a card with her name on it to put up as a sign ! Dinner with JinBear, SharBear, RaeBear, SJBear, JessBear, DanBear, KaiBear, WoobyBear, and even VCBear who is in Malaysia ! It was at Tony Roma's at Cineleisure and later we adjourned to Laundry and then Murni's. Sunday was spent celebrating my grandmother's birthday before joining RaeBear and NiqBear at KL Tower and then going around the National Mosque and Lake Gardens and Merdeka Square. I have become quite the tour guide for KL this year. Just do not ask me about food.... Not good in that area. Dinner with Jin's parents before drinks at SkyBar at Trader's Hotel. Work on Monday was a drag therefore. Could hardly keep my eyes open. Argh. Do not feel like working at all. I mean, can I please work from home ? Update at night : Oh..feeling damn dizzy now. I think not enough food. Got some plain crackers and some soup now though. So weird. First time having this experience. Hahahaha..But need to lose weight ! I am so determined for my resolutions this year, and have managed to keep it up till now - 8 days already ! A record by itself.... Anyway remembered something that I wanted to post for a long time but never got around to it. Basically, it was about the people you love in your life. Yes, I know emo post. But shortened, since I have already thought about it too much. Anyway, I used to keep a lot of old letters, emails and smses from certain parties. Ahem. Haha. Somehow, I decided to wean myself of the dependence on these relationships and burnt, destroyed and deleted everything. That was a few months ago. Since then, it has been pretty good, my mind off these things, but recently I have been thinking too much again and wanted to read some of those messages. Even though I have probably memorised them, I just felt like reading them, to smile to myself secretly with my heart pounding, and eyes crinkled. Yea. But they are all gone. So .... I do not know what is this feeling. Regret ? Maybe. Probably. But the best thing is, now I know more than ever, if I really wanted it, I would have to work for it. Even if the world does not think I deserve it. Friday, January 04, 2008 As I sit here at the computer room near my office, drinking Milo (lunch) I ponder about life (while facebook loads). Necessity breeds innovation. Now that school has resumed, traffic is hell. And I thought I would pay more money to use an alternative route. Driving along, I made a turning, and it turned out to be even cheaper than my usual route. And shorter. So you see, I gained something from the trouble that I faced. You could also call this the silver lining in the cloud, except in my case, it was as if the whole cloud was silver! Farewells are the toughest lines. I thought I would be good at this. The number of farewells we say to people in our lives are numerous and yet we hardly get any better at it. Met CKBear for probably the last time in a long while yesterday. While it was sad, it was numbing too. Gets really hard to predict where everyone will go in their lives at this point in time. Who knows ? Bye Bye CKBear. Maybe in 2010. Maybe. Practice makes perfect. Now I can do my daily work and finish it before lunch. I can even do some weekly work by then too. The question is, when do you get too good at something ? When do you move on to something new ? Law of averages. I lost exactly half of my bets on Sportsbet and won another half. Since the odds were all even, no loss. But no gain either. Bah. Everyone grows old. HOW TRUE. I should spend less time with freshers and more time with older people. Hahahaha. It seems such a long time when my conversations were punctuated with "when are you flying back (to Melbourne)" and "what are you going to do now (after graduation)". So long ago. Perhaps if I hang out with older people it would be, "when are you getting married" and "what is the baby's name". Milo is finished. Facebook has loaded.