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| Saturday, March 31, 2007 And then there are times when I think that you set yourself up for suffering. Or maybe it is supposed to be a lesson in humility. I had to bring out one of my colleagues from overseas around the city of KL. Sounds fun ? Well, I had to stand in the hot sun and take pictures of him. He was just a big a camwhore as me ! Except that of course, I am obviously better since I NEVER make people stand in the sun to take pictures of me and especially not strangers that I do not know well. Hmph. But yea, after a whole day BEHIND the camera, it has given me some thought next time to be less camwhorish. : ( Am finally switching over to a new department on Monday and am slightly stressed but I guess the only thing to do is to do my best right ? Sigh. It DEFINITELY means increased work though. I just hope that I have enough time left over for gym and studies. You see, I am even willing enough to give up what little bits of social life that I have for the next 2 months, just to pass the bloody exam. I really want to pass because I do not want to go through the same things all over again. Besides, since it takes one year to take the exam again, I would be so bored of it. Had a really nice dinner at Hilton last night. Basically just yakked and ate. After a super healthy last 4 or 5 meals, I think that dinner just killed me off. Must have consumed thousands of calories. But you know, one slip is not a major fall so in a weird way, this will motivate healthy food consuming for the next few days. Really have to study now...Bah... Wednesday, March 28, 2007 I like to brag. So sue me. I was wearing my green tie (squares with dots) and my all time favourite white shirt (with silk vertical lines) and my blue suit. And I felt great. And I got compliments. But the best compliment happened like this. I got into a lift to go up. A couple wanted to go down and the female half stepped into the lift and then realised her mistake. As the door closed, I heard the male half going "just because there is a cute guy inside does not mean you have to go in". I laughed and I smiled until I think my head was going to split in two. And you know what, it made walking around the carpark so much more fun. Was going to take a photo, and I got too lazy. And now I have realised what motivates me to keep losing weight. People telling me I look nicer. So feel free to continue doing that, even if you may not have seen me for a while. Hahaha. Maybe I should just wear a suit every day. But maybe not. But maybe I have also been inspired to collect more great looking shirts rather than just good looking shirts. Mmmm. OK. This is in line with the money saving initiatives launched earlier this year. Tomorrow will be going on a tour of KL. Will be feeling like such a tourist really. Last night, actually went to this theatre restaurant place where there were more than 10 traditional Malaysian dances on stage while you had a Malaysian buffet dinner. Quite fun. Then today was all about going up and down the office building as well as making trips to our operations centre, having a big lunch, coming back to the city for a seminar at the Ritz Hotel, before tucking into a marvellous tea. Of course, tea = no dinner allowed. So, no dinner was eaten. Pretty good right ? And instead of gym tomorrow, I shall be hiking around KL ! With tourists in tow. Hmmm. Sounds like a good plan to me. Meanwhile, have learnt that instead of going into operations myself for the next six months, will be moving into sales (again) first. And will move into operations later. Probably in December. Oh well, fun all the way. Or at least, I hope so. PS I hope you enjoyed Disneyland. :) And hope that you are no longer stressed. See you soon. Monday, March 26, 2007 Today is a fantastic day. Ahem. I woke up at 6. Felt tired so went back to sleep until 6.45. Washed up and did not feel like going to work. Dang lazy. Went downstairs for breakfast and watched 2 episodes of Sex And The City. Studied a bit. Read the newspapers. Showered at 10 and finally left the house at 11. Checked into office, read some e-mails. Had lunch with CEO at Westin. Amazing food. Laughed, talked and had some afternoon drinks. At around 3, went back to office. Read news online. Short meeting at 4, just to brief team members about rest of the week. Packed up at 5, made some phone calls to choose which cars and drivers to use for the next few days. Went downstairs to have some cake for a colleague's birthday. Went home. Arrived by 7. I could SERIOUSLY get used to this life ! Great ! Haha. Have to sleep early tonight though as have a full day the next few days. Saturday, March 24, 2007 I am SUPER broke. Well on target to spend 4 times my salary this month. >_<"" But otherwise, everything is good. A bit of studying though. Next week is going to be great fun ! Cannot wait ! Karaoke last night was quite good and managed to sing all the songs from Flower Group. Wahahaha. Thursday, March 22, 2007 One thing about my job. It is quite useful to be good at internet research. Or any kind of research for that matter. And analysis. It helps to be good at catching weird and unusual items and then analysing it too. And slowly, or at least for that moment and a few months later, you could be rather knowledgeable about a particular industry ! My eyes hurt a bit. I think I stare at the computer too much some times. Hmm, but I have to wear contacts for my lunch with CEO on Monday...so maybe not so much computer on Monday. Also I have to be on my best behaviour/looks as it is a important week for me. We have colleagues coming from overseas and I am one of the country ambassadors. Oooooo. Interesting. Ooo and MrPhan asked me to return to his department and told me that he would fix things up. Flattered. And well, I must say any department is better than no department and this is far from the worst department I could be in. Quite good actually ! Would be in my top five choices. Out of more than 100. Well I will be busy from tomorrow onwards. There are meetings in the morning and afternoon. Then I think a karaoke session is in place at night. Saturday is exercise + study day. I have a engagement party (sort of) on Sunday and Monday onwards is ambassador week, CEO lunch and meeting in the morning. And throughout the week, busy busy busy. It is great actually and as it could be my last week at my current department, sad as well. Oh well life moves on. If you had time to be sad every time you leave a place, or leave a person or changed parts of your life, you would not be able to live a very hectic fast moving high flying life. And I think at the moment, I would rather have a fast moving life. Go GO GOOOOOOOOO ! lalalalala. Quite happy at the moment. SailorJow thought I was in love. I was surprised for the moment and told her I was not. But then again, maybe I might be. With my life. I love my life now. Just in case that sounds a little full of myself, it is a bit la. I think I just feel happy. And there really is not any reason for it ! lalalalala. Tuesday, March 20, 2007 She got into her office chair and looked sadly at her empty coffee cup. There was something that she really needed right now, and it was SLEEP. The past few weeks had been quite busy for her and she was feeling a little drained. It did not help that he was not around either. She wanted someone to listen to her complain and then stroke her hair and tell her it was going to be alright, and then share a big tub of Chocolate Chip Mint ice-cream with her, laughing while watching Mr Bean give his girlfriend a hook to hang up a cupboard cutout of a ring for Christmas. Sighing, she switched on her computer and prepared for the big pile lying obnoxiously in her in box tray. She dropped her pen. Cursing, she bent to pick it up. As she sat up again, people around her were starting to crowd near the office windows. Curious, she stood up and walked there too, just as her colleagues started smiling and calling her name. She looked out the window. She gaped as she saw a huge banner covering the office building next to hers. It said simply, “Will You Marry Me?” It looked hand painted on a giant piece of white canvas. Hand painted! That was so cute. Like a gigantic kindergarten drawing. Her mouth wobbled. That was the sweetest thing……. And then her attention was drawn to a figure waving his hands around madly on the road between the two buildings. It was him ! And he was crazily standing in the middle of a busy street ! Well, what used to be a busy street. Right now, all the cars had stopped and many of their occupants had exited to see what was going on. And there he stood, in the middle of a busy street at 9 am in the morning on a working day! What was wrong with him ! She felt she was about to burst. And then, out of nowhere it suddenly happened. A million multi coloured heart shaped balloons just flew into the air, accompanied by the 50 white pigeons that were released into the sky. It was such a beautiful sight. Many colleagues clapped and stared enviously. Downstairs, on the streets, hundreds more watched as he started to kneel. Tears streamed down her face as he showed her a giant cardboard cutout of a ring she had coveted. She giggled uncontrollably, even as he pointed behind her. She turned around to find a DSL messenger standing with a very small box. A very small black velvet box. “Special delivery. Please sign here.” Her face just lit up as she collected her precious cargo and tried it on. There it was, sparkling as bright as her eyes. As she nodded at the window, choking, another banner unfurled opposite. “It’s a YES !” Everyone cheered !! Cars started honking loudly even as the traffic restarted. As congratulations were heard all around her, she could only smile her thanks, in a minor state of shock. Monday, March 19, 2007 Meetings and more meetings. Work and more work. But it was a good day. Such days are good because somehow they pass really fast and gives you a sense of accomplishment because you were able to do a lot of work and finish it and still have time for yourself. Gym-work-work-work-salad lunch-meetup with new GA-work-meeting-work-work-meeting-work-study-meet friends-home-dinner-tv ? Note that between all the work, I got some studying done as well as gym ! So there you have it. You can actually do the things you want to do without complaining that there is not enough time. Hmm. I wonder. Saturday, March 17, 2007 Oooo what a busy day. Anyway, after a whole day of work including one very gossipy lunch (very nice sandwiches by the way), I had to brave the very rainy streets of KL once again. But it was to meet up with ATBear and SahBear where we later had dinner at this Chicken Rice stall in Subang. Not too bad at all but the electricity stopped halfway so it was quite funny. Then I wanted to play mahjong (again) but YapBear was sick and SahBear had something to do. So BYBear came to the rescue ! Good thing we played last week, so now I have another person to call to play. Anyway we made a long delayed trip to NickBear's house. Where we played. Ah, I have to tell you that it is one of the most wonderful games in the world. I need some time to study, but I have something planned with SailorJeow and SailorJoyo, and have already turned down a movie and a dinner. Also will not be attending that birthday party tomorrow (sorry) since I really need some time to rest. And study. Such a busy life sometimes and yet I suspect that I really like it this way. Ok, I really have to study.... Oh, Oh, PS He said : If you stay with me, I might break your wings. She said : I do not care. If you stay with me, I do not need wings... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!! Friday, March 16, 2007 I do not usually swear...but I saw this somewhere and it got me thinking. And I was really surprised that I was agreeing with it. I do not usually agree with this statement but today it felt perfect. "My life is damn fucking good !" Great family, Fantastic friends, Nice job, not poor, starving or ugly...lol..what more can I ask for.. *wait... I can think of millions of things that I would ask for but then again, IF you just go by current satisfaction, My life IS damn fucking good ! Thursday, March 15, 2007 Apple = 67 calories Baked Lean Chicken Breast in Pesto Sauce = 231 calories Ice Lemon Tea = 180 Noodles with Soup and Vege = 140 + 25 + 11 = 176 calories No gym today = 654 Calories Total. Can you see the dangerous trend ?! Now I am on 654 calories a day !! Arggg !!!!! Need to cut !! CUT !!!!! But as you can see, I have other things to do to keep me occupied. First of all, Manager A from A department came to my department and spoke to my manager. They were very busy and very short handed and were wondering if KWBear can come and help out please ? Anyway so it ends up that now I am doing work for both departments. Busy busy busy. Add to that the training I was giving the last two days, as well as myself attending training for options, busy busy busy. I think Global Corporate Sales is an interesting department and I would not mind joining that department ? Just a thought anyway. Busy Busy Busy. You never realise how many chocolates you COULD have eaten a day until you harden your will enough to reject any chocolates coming your way and then you realise.... And gosh. Now I have a mystery reader Linda from China. Yea I KNOW where you are from. Oh well. Whatever happens, happens. So what does poor BillyBear do if the girl he likes tells him that she does not like BrianBear chasing her and asks BillyBear to please tell BrianBear not to do it any more because she is getting irritated by it all ? Does he tell BrianBear to back off ? Note that everyone are close friends. ~Stress~ What if BrianBear thinks that BillyBear is a sneaky asshole ? What will BriannaBear think about BillyBear if he told her he loved her instead ? What will BrianBear think ? Will they fight ? I suppose this could all be a really good movie, but it happens in real life. This Saturday am busy, next Friday I have been booked, I still have to study and there are so many people asking me out for drinks, and I have people that I want to ask out for drinks...ARGHHHH sooooooooooooo busy !!! I need a personal assistant. Or maybe a few. And a new wardrobe. But must continue to save money !! Bloody expensive airtravel nowadays. It cost 11,000 bucks for a return ticket to Melbourne !!!!!!!! Business class of course. My left shoulder hurts a bit. Wonder if I should go for a massage. To gym or not to gym tomorrow morning, that is the question. But then again, I have sooooooooooooooooooooo much work and I have to finish writing that bloody application before 3 pm. Urgh. No gym then. Concentrate on getting it done..... I swear, between studying, working, gymming, singing, and counting calories, I do not seem to have any time for myself at all !!!!!! Some things I want to do in my free time: 1. Finish reading the Green Book and understand what it says !! 2. Finish studying for the bloody CFA 3. Revise for WB IG Phase II Academic Prgramme 4. Work really hard at something to get recognised ! 5. Japanese/Korean language 6. More sport/games ! 7. Time to spend with friends just chilling 8. Stay at home and watch television, chilling with family 9. Cook. And Bake. 10. Look for ways to increase income. sosososososososososososososososososo busy........ 11. Watch Sex And The City again........ Monday, March 12, 2007 OMG. Today was the first day of a new diet. Breakfast = 1 Medium Sized Apple. Calories Gained = 80 Gym = 1 hour. Calories Lost = 324 Hot Shower, letting Fat melt (it should, just like butter). Calories Lost = 0. But lost Fat, so is good too. Elevator up 15 floors. Calories Lost = 1. Since Gravity moving against me would probably drag some calories on the floor, where they will stick, glue-like, while I walk away. One sip of Milo. Calories Gained = 2 Lunch = Half Caesar Salad without Dressing with Grilled Chicken. Very healthy. Calories Gained = 220 But Walked to Lunch at Izzi. Calories Lost = 2 Taking the Elevator Down to Buy Snacks. Discovered a packet of M&Ms is 2000 calories. Almost fainted. Went back up stairs. Calories Lost from Entire Exercise : 3 Plus bonus for not eating chocolate while starving. Walk to Car Park. Calories Lost = 2 Dinner was at Home. Had Brinjal, Beans, 1 Egg, 2 Fishballs, 2 Tablespoonsful of Meat, 1 Bun. Calories Gained = 40 + 25 + 75 + 45 + 35 + 50 = 270 OMG. Total Calories = 240 calories. Ew. Can you feel the fat splurging out ? Ooooo just had some hot tea which will spontaneously combust additional fats as well as absorb calories. So should take away 2 calories as had 2 big mugs of tea. Tomorrow is a new day. Target : Lose 5 kilogrammes by November. No Stress. But Failure will be punished ! Sunday, March 11, 2007 And so another weekend is passing by and we are returning to Monday. And since last week, 2 friends broke up with their boyfriends and 3 got proposed too. And so, it is hard to make a conclusion if this was a breakup period or a makeup period. Played more mahjong last night and managed to have big wins at the beginning and the end and it was good seeing HingBear after a couple of years. But before that had a wonderful wonderful seafood dinner with some colleagues and also a lot of laughs there. But only because I studied the whole day and ran with YapBear.... And this week has also been a big week for meetings and heavy discussions as well as more positive outlooks on the job. Shhhh. Cannot really tell much at this point, but am in quite a happy place at the moment. Life is complicated but can also be simple. Friday, March 09, 2007 Sometimes life can be great just because you had a simple lunch with some great friends and you bitch about some stuff and then laugh over the corniest jokes and just have a good time. The 'Brotherhood' met up for lunch as it was quite a while since we all had lunch together. I have had meals with one or the other of time but not all 3 at the same time. And we bitched about some stuff regarding careers, exchanged some news and laughed for the longest times about how people get ahead in their careers. At one point we were making jokes about 'protein mix' for about 15 minutes. It was cool. I like. Sometimes life can be great just because you found out that people appreciate what you have done and are prepared to reward you and let you have more. After quite a successful stint in China, I have been nominated for a couple of other things, but by managers with whom I have not yet worked with. So I guess it is quite good that other managers are taking notice and want me to work with them. Also a relief to know that I will not be short of a job and would probably have a choice. I also like. Sometimes life can be great just because you made some people happy. It does not have to be people you know but even pure strangers or people that you nod to after a while because you see them in your elevator every day. My department had a Dedication Day much like those times in school when a particular club or society would sell chocolates or flowers or cards and then deliver them for you. It was fantastic just to watch people's faces light up when they received their gifts - tarts, cakes, flowers and chocolates. Amazing. I like a lot. Sometimes life can be great just because you looked at some pictures and were reminded of some great memories. Sometimes you have to remember that these memories belong to you and should be taken out to be dusted once in a while. Looking at DamBear's Houseboat photos made me think of my own Echucan adventures. Like making a whole line of sand castles really early in the morning on the river bank and TasBear called it the Great Wall of China and having a great laugh over it. Like finding out that all our alcohol except for 2 frozen cans were stolen in the night when we were watching an Australian Rules Footy Match. Like laughing like mad after half price Margaritas or meeting Australian porn star lookalikes who turn out to be friends. Like going for a country town trivia night and finding out that a whole bunch of university students could lose out to farmers and teachers. Like seeing ReidBear walk naked around the houseboat. Like swimming in the freezing river. Like having some good wine and cheese and just cuddle up under the blanket. Like laughing for 3 hours while playing a new drinking game at which point everyone had to stand up and raise their hand or something. Like laughing crazily with TasBear and ParkyBear while learning that Mormons killed a king so evil that God turned him black. Like wrestling in the living room at 2 am at night because noone could fall asleep. Oooo. Echuca. I like. Sometimes life can be great just because there are people to hug. And you can cuddle them and muddle them and pull their cheeks apart. And just know that this hug could last another few hours and it would not really matter. Since most of my huggers are not really available, I must say a great many thanks to my family who have been, are and always will be some of the best huggers that I have met in my life and who continue to keep it going. Without hugs, I might die. Hugging is amazing. Absolutely I like. Sometimes life can be great just because you have an imagination. And you can imagine about a lover and everything that you want them to be, or how to act, or what they would do in certain situations. Or imagine about yourself further along in your life, what you would call your kids, and how your house might be, how would the dog run around the house without breaking the crystal glasses on the table by the study door, and even how successful you would be in your career, talking to bosses at a young age, being the youngest manager or best dealer or greatest head. And the best part is, it can all seem so real especially when you are dreaming since every detail will be taken care of. I like I like. Sometimes life can be great just because you are able to write down what you want. I like my blog. And I like so many more things ! Sometimes life can be great just because ! Can you tell I am feeling quite happy ? Monday, March 05, 2007 Just when you think someone has changed, you learn that they are still the same rotten self. Well maybe not rotten, but not great either. NieBear is back for 12 days and I am quite glad it is only 12 days. He is already starting to annoy me. Just like when he wanted this girl's mobile phone number and wanted to ask her to eat supper with us. But being the wuss he was, did not dare to ask for her number. I demonstrated how easy it was to get a number. After I got it, he did not even dare to use it to call. What is the freaking point ? At least it is not only me because apparently the others are also getting quite tired of his antics of cancelling dinner if no girls are present. It is quite crappy because he does not have any girls to ask for dinner and expects others to make it a harem or something like that. Peh. I would not introduce any of my friends to him. And he calls us from his car because he is lonely ? What the heck ? But of course I must not be angry. Try not to get affected. After all, he is not important at all. Lots of other things for me to think about. Things that actually matter. Work. Ooh big meeting tomorrow. Got a haircut today. Quite like it myself. Haircuts make me feel happy except that today the guy who shampooed me must have had a very stressed day. He used my head as a stress ball ! Though it was quite comfortable at first, after a while, I feel as if my brain is all mushed. Haha. The haircut was nice. Got the same stylist as last time and she was sweet. Need to sleep early tonight so toodles ! Sunday, March 04, 2007 Friday night was a great night of MAHJONG. It is still an amazing game and I cleaned out my 2 opponents in one hour. Tee hee. Loving it. Though I have realised that I have improved at the Malaysian version and am getting a bit worse at the Cantonese version. But I guess it does not really matter since I practise the Cantonese version online and I play the Malaysian one. But anyway, YAY for MJ ! It could turn out to be very valuable side income ! Saturday had a good sleep. I had 2 karaoke dates for this day but somehow both did not work out. Feh. Instead, did some studying. Did quite a lot of studying actually, and then went out for dinner with my Mom, at this new place at SS2, where they had nice looking dim sum sort of stuff. We shared a bowl of fish porridge, and had xiao loong pao, and radish cake and stuff like that. It was quite a good place. Yum. And I plan to make xiao loong pao soon !! Yum. Now I remember why I was so addicted to these little balls of meat. Then had a stopover at YishBear's place for the second half of the Liverpool-ManU match. Which was absolutely boring. I guess that is why I do not really watch football matches. I would rather watch something else. Later was online till late, playing lots of online poker and mahjong. Which is why I woke up late today and hardly did any studying. Though I could study a bit now, I plan to have an earlier night since I have gym tomorrow. I also plan to have a haircut tomorrow as I have a meeting with one of the big bosses tomorrow. Whew..means have to read up a bit and do some homework before going in to see him. And before you know it, it is Monday and I have to work again. Oh well. While I am on that topic, I must say, I was at first really suspicious about all these button-fly pants/jeans. I mean, having been used to zippers on all my pants all my life, getting a pair of jeans with buttons instead was a big step. But I love it. There is just something very sexy about buttons. Hehe. I swear. Another week to come. Sometimes I wish time would pass faster. And yet it is ALREADY March and so I wish that time would pass slower too. So confused. Discipline is wavering and many choices to make. Which path, which road, which one to choose ? Maybe I really should focus. Friday, March 02, 2007 CANCERJune 22 - July 23 Ruling Planet: THE MOON Which isn't a planet at all but the satellite responsible for this watersign's many mood swings! Love and sex go together for Cancer. They need to feel secure in love before they can relax in sex and Cancer often feels a little bit guilty after doing the deed because they usually associate sex with babies, especially the women, who either get pregnant at the drop of a hat or take longer than usual. All Cancers WANT to be parents! (YAY !!!) Cancers become sexually excited when they feel secure. They are turned on by homecooked meals and partners who love kids. In so many ways, Cancer is the dream partner! (YAY !!!) FAVE POSITION Any position that's comfortable and involves Cancer lying flat on theirback with all their sensitive areas exposed! BEST SEX TOY A drink or joint that will relax the overly-cautious crab! CANCER MALE IN BED He is a sensitive lover and will put his partner's needs before his own. He has a tenderness about him that drives women wild! (YAY !!!) If the Cancer guy decides he's in it for the long haul, he'll do whatever it takes to keep his lover happy in and out of the bedroom. THE BEST WAY TO TURN ON CANCER Concentrate on the breasts and pecs of Cancer to really get them going. Start by kissing and brushing up against them. The Cancer male will LOVE it if you get straight to the point. Squeeze his pecs and bite his bod and you'll have him bouncing off the walls inno time! Thursday, March 01, 2007 I was just commenting on NiqBear's blog and it seriously went out of control ! I typed a comment and my brain was filled with gazillions of images and ideas and I just could not stop typing and I wrote so many words in like 5 minutes. Basically she was saying that she needed a website with articles on a certain subject for her studies and was choosing between ice cream and something about boyfriend training. One thing led to another and soon I was typing like a madmen. Below is a copy of what I commented. Forgive any spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, punctuation, but you could really see that I was very excited about the idea and typed it out really fast ! " I think you should have the boyfriend training site..but not really bf training but something else more scintillating....like Absolute Transformation Guide or What A Girl Wants…… or or or something…not feeling really creative..about the name at the moment.. But I am imagining a very chick-lit type of style and site deco…and you can have sooo many interesting angles to have articles on. There can be serious ones as well as all those surveys and interviews that you can do on “real live boyfriends” and even an agony/advice column… and like “10 things you need to change, or 10 things you cant change or 10 tricks to make him change.” Things like that… hehe And have like squiggles and curly deco on the site…with sprinkles, because after all, it should have a feel of like a slumber party discussion. There can even be awards for best advice…or tips and tricks… and links to gifts that girls would like their bf to give them But, you want to guys to visit this place too right ?!? and what would be better than to give them tips as well on how to be the ‘perfect’ boyfriend… Then you could have like the guys section where everything is less girly but more catered for them to ‘learn’ with like ‘ First Date-101’ or ‘Meeting the Parents-101’ and you could for example link those gift links over to the guys section… Oooooooo and even have like suggestions from the girls… Like “latest cool places for a dinner” or latest brands/shops that a girl would like..things like that. Good ideas for holidays, short trips would also be good. With these suggestions, girls will not even have to worry about getting plastic ducks or photo frames for those special occasions but will be receiving things that they would really like for example rings, necklaces, bags…you know..whatever you suggest to the guys !?!?!?!? because with this site you could even show the guys for example, the name of the bag, the brand, where to buy, prices, and so on !! guys would kill for that..it saves so much time for thinking about the gift? ?!?!! And then flower shops in an area…or gift wrapping places in an area……. So many ideas for advertisements !!And this site would totally also get advertisement revenue from like matchmaking/dating sites as well as other gift/clothing/new restaurants ? and then you could ask them for prizes like maybe meal vouchers and coupons to give out as gifts to your readers ? or contributors ? or contest winners ?? Then of course you have a place where people can write in and say how this site has changed their lives or got people hooked up and made a real difference in their lives !! how fantastic is that…! It is totally such a win-win situation for everyone ? Guys get advice and make their girls happy , The girls get to have well-trained boyfriends…and obviously will feel so much happier for it…and you get to have a H1 as well as a career AS well as revenue ! and fame ???? if it really gets big .. – OPRAH !!!!! ? And that’s when you can appear of more tv shows or newspapers and magazines..because WHO isn’t into feminism and girl power and all that now ? It would be almost like a Girl’s Eye for the Straight Guy. And you could even win a Nobel Peace Prize for all the goodwill on Earth that will occur because your site will cause so much less trouble, stress and problems for relationships between men and women !!!! Which is like everyone on earth ! instead of just between Bosnians and Serbs or..black and white……..!!! Hmmm. I reckon I should just quit my job and do this. " See how crazy I was ???? |