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| Thursday, November 17, 2005 Whoa.....easiest exam to date....well not that it was easy . Just that it was the easiest. I think I can grow to like Derivatives. Doing the exam this morning was great. I could use my best handwriting, finish in half the time, and knew what the questions wanted except for one. This was almost like how high school was. How I miss those times when tests were real easy to answer and you do it like clockwork. Now, you are extremely lucky if you could get half of them right. With that, the first wave is past. I need to wait for Real Estate patiently and of course study for it as well. Well there is a problem though. How am I going to entertain myself for the next few days ? Also how in the world am I ever going to be able to bring all my junk back ? Should I pack now ? Should I throw anything away ? Which things are urgent ? The weather is a bit conky right now. This is because it gets pretty hot sometimes and then again, chilly in the night. I think I am liking chilly better. :) Passions aflare during the end of the semester. It is quite amazing to note the changes that have shifted the power and friendship groups during the year. What there is now is a big change over what was at the beginning of the year. Amidst rumours of CCYBear and CharBear, there still lies the evergreen unresolved questions on others. My sleeping habits are still very screwed up and I still find myself sleeping only four to five hours before each exam. And when I do not have exams, I stay up really late to study at a slow pace. But at least things go in. After the last fling with Malibu and pineapple juice, there is nothing better that lots of milk with Baileys. And ICE COLD. Should I get a new suit ? What am I going to do tomorrow ? Should I start studying ? What is for lunch ? Life is full of questions. But sometimes when two eyes meet across the room, they fail to notice that there are other eyes out there watching out, waiting and wondering. |