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| Wednesday, October 19, 2005 Today is KeeBear's birthday !! Yay..KeeBear is truly a great guy and I am glad to have met him. Nowhere could you find someone more loyal and trusting and jolly and conservative......he has very conservative thoughts and loyalty and friendship are big things to him....very refreshing in this new age modern world ! Great to have adopted him as my brother... :) Happy 19th birthday !! It will also be FredBear, TasBear, MichBear, AffBear birthdays soon. SO MANY BIRTHDAYS !! Also, FangBear's birthday was yesterday. Am BROKE ! At the same time however since it is near the end of the year, lots of problems are popping up. Such as relationship problems, stress, exams...who's moving out with whom, where people are going to stay., political problems, O-week problems, ..friendship problems....leading to lots of depressed and pissed off people around me. Sigh. I find it very hard to live like this. I am a child of sunshine and hate to have sadness around me. I have been having quite a full time job comforting many and being wise..although I think I do much better just hugging and being there than actually giving advice. Have also got two assignments to hand up on Monday. Think might finish one by tomorrow and have the weekend for the other one. But I really must get on with my studying for the finals. IzyBear is lazy and does not always want to study and some other people do not even have exams !! But I HAVE TO....having five subjects is a pain ! Hope happy things happen soon. |