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| Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Bam and what do you know, I have already been to four hours of lecture. It is very puzzling to me just why going to two hours of lectures can leave me exhausted for the whole day !!! Went bowling yesterday and got my highest ever score - 151. Oooooh...Maybe I can still improve. After using a 10 ball for much of my life....I started the 12 this year and yesterday tried the 14....Next time I shall start with the 14. It is very exciting... The freshers are here and well...quite interesting bunch. Not much Asians this time...and that could be a plus as will not need to make so many friends...whom I will miss later in the year. Assassins is also underway and the good thing this year is the changes I made are starting to take effect...as in people are genuinely trying to play. This is because I made it so that you would know the first person you are supposed to kill so that would make you want to play compared to if you did not know at all who you were supposed to kill. Still I doubt anyone would make my record of 13... Man I am so in love with this Canto song that has to do with Disneyland....It was weird at first but the more I listen to it...the more I get attracted to it. I even hear it in my sleep now !! Sigh...the wonder of music... Saturday, July 23, 2005 After watching cricket till about 3....enjoyed a very wonderful sleep in until around 12....when again the two usual suspects and I went for lunch in St Kilda...Yum and then...I think out of boredom it was suggested that we have coffee at a seaside cafe. Well it was good but the extremely strong wind forced us back inside....then we had a little game of chess in the cafe while reading some magazines... At this point FredBear made a very funny comparison of us with tai-tais. Since we had woke so late...then had lunch and then cool down with afternoon tea...and were planning to play mahjong....so it was in fact a very apt observation. But in fact, after the coffee, we played football again...I think I really am getting better at marks..And then back to FredBear's place. While he watched television, SoBear and I played hotels again !! I think for three times straight !! We were waiting for DaveBear, NiqBear and SharBear to join us for dinner at New Quay where I had duck sausages and some of SoBear's mussels. Very exotic food indeed. Then we had some cake...made by NiqBear... a tad sweet but still edible before setting off for the Avenue where we watched cricket, accompanied by Beam and Absolut....without sleep or much of it...I set off for IH, just to visit friends and bumped into XXBear....surprise !! She was back too ! It is all very exciting as the O-weekend is just getting under way. Finally made it back to Lorimer Street for a shower and much needed nap !! Friday, July 22, 2005 Well today I finally turn 21....some say it is a big milestone...for me...it signals age ...and frankly I am not very impressed....and do not wish to make such a big thing out of it....that was why I was pretty happy with the way things went.. Having brunch at KFC was an experience...with SoBear and FredBear, we waited outside till it opened at 11. Then we were like the only people there.... Later, we went to Albion for a spot of go-karting...Seriously I have not been go karting since I was maybe 11....but it was loads of fun ~~ Although I was obviously the worst driver of the three...taking the least risks and maybe the safest driver as well (that is how I passed my driving licence without bribing the first time hehe) I was definitely the most improved driver form the first set to the second set...hehe....Both of them got the fastest lap times once each...so they pretty much had a draw.. DaveBear unfortunately could not come but then we can always go again during the break in September !! Later, we went to wash both their cars at a self service place before going to a shop called "Let Them Eat Cake" for some cakes....choosing one each we shared them...and they paid..for it....supposedly my birthday cake and present from them... (I am not complaining) Then SoBear and I went to play footy at the Docklands Park. FredBear needed a rest. We started out with just kicking and catching and I was very surprised at how much better I am at kicking after learning the proper technique...SoBear was much better at catching though....However in the midst of them game, I suffered a season ending injury with jarred fingers and a bleeding middle finger....Off we were to try tackling....after a few false starts where I did not follow the rules we finally had one proper tackle and SoBear knocked me to the ground...I was seeing stars for a while and could not really breath.... I knew age had caught up with me....That was a season ending injury...minor concussion hehe Off back to 80 Lorimer St for a spot of Hotels (a board game) and takeaway dinner from A1. Very impressive now that they offered takeaway and delivery service. I also had a 2 hour long cricket coaching session from SoBear. Sadly we missed having a vegetarian dinner with NiqBear but I was sure we would meet up soon. The messages and Msn conversations started after midnight with blessings of birthday wishes but I think I was happiest to be talking to NickBear...he was graduating the very day ...and it was after the ceremony...I think I was more excited than him when we were talking...what can you expect..after all, we have not met for 3 years !!! since he sent me off at the airport 3 years ago...it is all very exciting how people grow !! But then again...I am 21..maybe it is time for changes to start happening.... Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Tuesday. Timetable is out today and I shall need to make some changes tonight at midnight. What fun. And at the same time, it will be my last time that I need to log onto Alloc8 and arrange my timetable - checking out venues so that I won't have too far to go, choosing tutors, arranging to have lunchtimes...what a waste it is that now that I am finally good at this that I shall have to stop doing it soon. Last night, was up to 3 discussing some pretty important topics in anyone's life with a few loved and dear ones. Life, Love and Career. Career - there are some who have failed in their quests and yet never give up. They may be less endowed with abilities or talents but nevertheless, never give up. That I admire. No matter how underhand or barely legal it is, it is still a fight for survival in today's life. It also shows how much a person will fight for his/her dream. It is heartening to see, especially in today's youth. Love - there are also some who face difficulties and yet the phrase which strikes at the end is "no matter what the difficulties, in the end it is insignificant". That is a strong phrase. Everthing will be alright, is an invincible phrase, bandied around for millenia and still just as strong. Relationships work both ways and it takes two to believe in each other. It is not easy to love someone wholeheartedly and let us not forget the even nobler ones...who due to unrequited or forbidden love....only wshes for the one they love to be happy.....such selfless love...is beautiful. Life - life is a long journey some may say. Then why am I at the cusp of turning 21, feel that I am running out of time ? There are so many things that I want to do, I want to experience and yet there is not much time left. Human beings are so full of potential and yet many times we are simply restricted by laws, time, ability, money and others. Everyone has got to find their own way, what they want to do, and what they want to achieve. There are simple ones, such as just owning a restaurant...to more bizarre ones and yet...is it not the best thing to be able to be happy all the time. Sure there are many things that I want and yet....as long as I am happy, I am perfectly willing to accept any changed to my life. Ah....life.. C'est la Vie....... Sunday, July 17, 2005 Believe it or not... I just watched 3 hours of Tour de France...crazy ass...but I learnt plenty. Today I spent some of the afternoon cleaning up FredBear's aparment and I have a full day tomorrow. I have a brunch date, also need to settle all my fees/bank/go to uni/get a phonecard/buy food for dinner....so it is sort of errands day tomorrow !!! Just a short note that is all..... Tell you guys something funny..I was watching National Treasure and I got it confused with Sahara....I was asking SoBear....so how come they missed the part where they were in the Egyptian Desert and asked so where is the ship ??.....to which he replied....you got the wrong movie man.... The holidays are almost over can you imagine it ? And there is only a week left. Being my last winter break in Melbourne, I must treasure this moment. I am still staying at FredBear's place. Gosh it has been three weeks already and will probably be here for at least another 3 days. Then will see what happens. My subejcts for next semester have been chosen and I have to do five...whoa..but I think I may get Fridays off...That's something anyway. Hope that it will be another fun-filled learning semester...since it is my last...How depressing is that sometimes ? I was talking to a vey good friend last night...for about a couple of hours...just outlining hopes and wants for the future, the ultimate aim....marriage times, kids...perfect job...and people do surprise you...and you them of course. Obviously it is because people have different wants and needs and hopes as well.....so in that fact everyone is different. But it was great to be able to just hang out with someone of your age and talk about these serious stuff...because sometimes, you just need to, so I think it was a very good therapy session, for me anyway...as I am currently more than a little stressed about graduating. So thanks very much. In brighter news, the past week has been lucky for me. But it is lucky in a very outrageous and controversial way, so will leave it at that. Fantastic Four was a disappointment, the only unboring bits were when Human Torch was on-screen. Otherwise...it was soo bad. Initial D was much better and I think Jay Chou did look younger in the movie and was quite good when he was on screen except when he talked of course....But not bad...what a talent....!! If only that was me !!?? Haha Thursday, July 14, 2005 After playing mahjong for a few hours the past 2 nights and then having to wake up early on Wednesday to meet JenBear and JoanBear, I went to bed at a relatively early 11pm. I thought well, only having four hours of sleep the night before, I would have a very nice long nap. Unfortunately for me....... FredBear woke me up at 2 am. Why ? I do not think I will ever find out. Anyway, he said that he woke me up to watch a movie. It was about teen love ending in pregnancy. After that he put on another love movie and promptly fell asleep. As far as I go, I had to finish the story, so I did. And then I could not sleep for a whole hour....so it was about 7 am before I dozed off again. But whatdaya know !? SoBear called my mobile to ask if I had bought my tickets for tomorrow's football game. So between the two of them, I lost my whole night's sleep. I will try to sleep again today. Meanwhile, after another trip to the dentist, I bumped into JessieBear all the way from Perth at Smith Street. Now, have I told you that I met JenBear and JoanBear yesterday, old classmates from M2 ? Well I did. And then had a trip to Bridge Road with JoanneBear. The funny thing is.... JenBear from Sydney JoanBear from Brisbane JoanneBear from Adelaide JessieBear from Perth. What is happening ? All the people from around Australia visiting Melbourne ? Hehe. Ps...I found it very amusing that they were all girls whose names started with J. SoBear says I am easily amused. Maybe I am.... Wednesday, July 13, 2005 I hate to say it but Phew it was Operation Success. I successfully showed them......(it sounds bad to show people but it is a relief that I could clear my name) Basically you know that situation discussed two stories ago ? I went through it again...very glad for the chance..and tried my best and concentrated....and I was successful. I am very happy. It is very satisfying for the soul..hohoho. Although halfway through I made a very big mistake, I am happy that I overcame that glitch. Victory through mental strength and determination !!! Am meeting both JenBear and JoBear at Nike tomorrow. I hope they will forgive me for ahem....meeting them both at the same time..but I had no time for the past 2 days..and they are both leaving tomorrow night..so obviously I have to meet them both tomorrow. But they are both friendly so there should be no problem !! Tuesday, July 12, 2005 This is a very funny post. In fact I was still contemplating if I should post this. but actually after reading NiqiBear's long orgasmic !?!?! post...I thought it would be funny,. Last night, my dream self had an orgasm....(it was NOT a wet dream)...... and when I woke up I was like whoa...but of course I will not go into details....It's definitely not my first time for this experience but it is the first for at least 3 years......Haha Talk about a vivid imagination. Monday, July 11, 2005 Had a mini revelation today. Am I trying too hard (or at all for that matter) to be someone or something that I am not ? Basically I was in this situation that I have always dreamed of, and I had known what to do, what to say, how to act and everything. But I could not. It had to do with my knowledge, language barrier, as well as just the situation. In the end I came to the conclusion that sometimes it is better to stick to things that you know. This is because then you can perform to the best of your abilities. Then I got to thinking, what is life without dreams ? What is life without challenges and things to improve oneself ? Should I not try harder next time instead of giving up already ? Talking to FredBear after the situation made me think again, in fact inspired me to try again. Why not ? At the same time, I also feel that I have come to project images on certain people, and only to find that sometimes, they really are just kids. Is it myself becoming older and wiser and more mature to think this way ? Or maybe I am just not fun anymore ? Or is it just that slowly my way of thinking as well as personal morals have changed ? Because I find that I do not have much of a conscience. I am also developing a slight case of kleptomania. It is crazy. But sometimes I just cannot help myself ? Am I becoming more and more materialistic ? Do I crave earthly goods ? I also have come to feel (just for a moment) how one would feel with in-laws. I think if two families do not understand each other's humour and jokes, it could potentially be a deal-breaker. Check out Monster-In-Law. I think I may safely say that I may have experienced the feeling although obviously not with in-laws. Saturday, July 09, 2005 These are some of the pictures of my chocolate ice-cream pie the other day...hehe Yum So first is the base...baked cookie dough..You make the shape by putting foil in a bowl, shaping the foil. Then remove the foil from the bowl taking care to keep the shape.. Press in cookie dough and bake !
Then decorate with strawberries or cream and whatever else you like... Tada... Eat it while the cookie is hot and the ice cream is not melted to pus-like consistency....Yum !! Thursday, July 07, 2005 Yoosh.....well the results are out...and well I passed everything....a range of marks from 74 to 79...happy that it was presentable but then again..not a H1...especially for the darn Investments which was like the easiest subject. Oh well....hope everyone does well too...One more semester to go... Well what else is going on at the moment ? JenBear is in Melbourne and she told me so is JoanBear..so well it looks like I might have a M2 reunion sometime soon !! as soon as SueBear comes back from Central Australia !! Had cheese fondue yesterday and I swear it is the last time I eat it for the next 3 months at least....It's yummy but terrible for the hips..The most exciting thing is !!! I got a new haircut and for the first time in my life I am very very happy with it... My most favourite haircut ever !! It is nice and fine and puffy...yay....!!! Very Uchish....hehhe Just a while ago I was complaining that the holidays seemes very long and boring...and whoosh almost half of it is gone already !!! Arghh !! NOoooo...But well life goes on....that is so important in my life right now...I need people to be in Melbourne haha..want to go karaoke !!! Finally after nine months of abstinence, in a fit of feel-goodness after the wonderful fabulous haircut, I bought myself clothing. !!!!!! Hehe. It felt so good to have waited so long for it !!! After nine months of just looking and trying on but not buying..it was very very orgasmic and a powerful feeling to be walking out with something new on. Yes...I wore it straight out of the shop and put my old clothes in the bag !!! Hahah...you want to know what it was...It was a pink shirt.....hehe...Delicious..and later when I went for all you can eat dimsum with FredBear and SoBear....felt so full but it was seriously yummy...for 16.80 you got to eat however much and whatever you wanted !!! It was so good. Monday, July 04, 2005 Omigosh.... Something just snapped back at me.... "Life Goes On" And I totally agree. In fact I think for the past 2 or 3 years, I have moved on on so many things that it is almost a motto. Move On. It even sounds good. In fact, why ponder so long on things that have passed ? Something else needs to be done. And then I think of the times one would cry alone thinking back to the past. I guess life is fair after all. But Life goes on after that. FredBear and I cycled all the way to St Kilda today and it was very cold and windy. But we made it anyway..I think we spent 3 hours there and back...we might go all the way to Williamstown next..phew fancy that...later bowled along with SoBear...am so tired now but will be working tomorrow and maybe watching War of the Worlds tomorrow ...still thinking..but probably.. Aargh...I think there is something wrong with me..and it is probably that time of the month again..Yep...it is my depression days of the month...comes without fail...what is wrong with me sometimes I wonder and yet sometimes I think I should just get used to it... I miss someone really dearly and yet there is no love ... weird isn't it ..maybe I should get NiqiiBear to translate my emotions...I bet you do not have to love someone to miss them... so well..sometimes the human heart is just so weird... On the cycling trip to St Kilda trip today, well I saw many couples together...(well it is the beach is it not..) and then sometimes when I whizzed past..I felt..urghh lonely !! But then again...I thought...it really is not my fault..is it ? I have tried...but then again...the right one just has not come along....looking through past memories of my past....erm...let's see..my first ever experience EVER...with the dating scene.... I remember getting love letters in Standard One (I was seven..plus) I still keep them. They were written on tracing paper..very big back then...and had many coloured drawings and words...Sweet but I have absolutely no idea what happened to the girl since...not even memories of her a year later....strange.... I think in primary school then, there were about three others..I have ever even considered liking...but then again..back then I was extremely shy and quiet and really geeky...obviously not a smart person as far as it goes in relationships... Strangely enough..I can honestly admit to at least one incident a year in secondary...that makes five...but of course since it was not until Form Four...(sixteen) that I even learnt how to speak up and talk to girls properly...of course again...I could not expect much...or could I? One in college...and moot since then....well maybe in university but I do not count them as feelings are not even strong enough even for me to count them as worthy experiences...LOL.... the problem with me at the moment is that I find it so much easier to get friends....but not the One...and I do not know if that is my problem...or that it is just not a problem at all.... LOL...it is all a lot of rambling...and who knows who reads this anyway...maybe noone but I just feel like writing..why ? of course I dunno..it is just my depression mania time of the month that is all....sigh.. I AM SO WEIRD....in a good way of course... *wink.... Maybe I should just put up a sign.... *will love for return*..... nah not really... but there really is a feeling of missing THAT person .... grrr... hate myself like this... but don't you worry too much...as well....I always bounce back... until the next month.. Friday, July 01, 2005 Talk about too many cooks spoiling the broth.... I think I would like my wife in the future to love my cooking and that I would love hers too. Thinking about dinner time today, I got a little frustrated with the way FredBear cooks. Well, I guess some people may be more control freakish than others..but I just felt disrespected for my cooking haha...Well it is true, if someone is cooking, you try not to give them instructions right ? Just like driving...don't you hate people telling you how to do things the right way...when you ARE right ? One must of course accept that Hongkies have a different taste to Malaysians...and especially me who grew up in such a non-traditional, unable to be stereotyped family....I think my family and I have a really distinct flavour when it comes to home cooking. We love to try new food all the time...but there are about forty to fifty dishes I guess which are very family-based and I think some people just think that they are wrong. Oh well, just felt the need to vent a little. Just because he wants me to cut up everything and then uses the stove himself, I feel insulted (hehe not that much) and feel like the little assistant chef....which of course I cannot stomach (hehe pardon the pun) because I know I can cook so well too..Plus I heard him tell OrangeBear my cooking sucks...sure he might be joking or maybe just different tastes...but....oh well... And it was just the same when we were cleaning windows and cleaning the fish tank. I mean, I would love to help and I don't mind you telling me how you do your windows, but I do not appreciate the fact that althought I am helping you, you have about one million steps to do it your way. Well if I had something I wanted to do it my way...such as arranging my stamps..or videos or cataloguing my music, I would do it myself ? Simple !! My conclusion, what FredBear really needs a maid. |