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| Wednesday, May 18, 2005 Well I really have not posted in a while maybe almost two weeks. This could have been due to the fact that I have had a lot (REALLY) a lot of assignments over the past week. Having to start studying for exams also do not help with the time management. Got my work visa today means will be legally able to work during the holidays. Not sure that I want to...but will be very handy...since FrBear and OrangeBear and DavBear or even CCYBear might all be working as well. Could be fun and also an eye opening experience. Went for a Japanese tutorial today and was surprised that though could understand up to 60 % of conversation was unable to make proper responses. Should be an issue that can be brushed up. LuBear is having her birthday party this Sunday night and it should be fun with yummy sushi to eat. Speaking about sushi...this past week went to SharBear's place to eat sushi and to study. Met PeteBear on the way as well...so well .... someone else to know...maybe a friend in the future ? You never know. Craving chocolate and bananas at the moment. Wonder why. Have not downloaded a song for ages. Could it be that I am officially starting to get old and am out of the pop chart business ? Have not gone to karaoke even once too this semester...but well I guess could make it sometime soon ...maybe after exams even. Finished two assignments today and was pretty proud of myself for the IREA one as I only figured out how to do it....like just a while before it was due...thanks a lot JamBear....for helping out...great to have known her too... !! Lucky kept her number as well. JenBear will be coming down during Winter for a week. Hope to have some fun then. Have not seen her for a year or so.... year and a half almost. Talking about M2 met MongBear in the library today... WHAT a surprise...have not seen much of her at all....definitely has lost some weight...but well sad that we are not more friendly to each other. Well people move on I guess...and we do still say hi when we pass ? Good thing tat..speaking of which....have not communicated with RyaBear at all for a long time. Sad but what can you do ? Only thought about him when Tori Amos came out on Rove yesterday. See you soon. Phew...what a long post....in a while everyone..... :) |