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| Thursday, April 14, 2005 Well one thing that has happened recently is that I downloaded MSN 7.0 . Quite fun to use... :) IH won the theatresports so that was fantastic !! It was such a great night. Even though I was only there for the finals since I was doing my assignment for New Ventures, it was agreat feeling to be there. I felt like everything I had to go through to go to college was worth it...if only for that feeling when it was announced that we had won.....with almost 75% of the college there on that night..it was fantastic !! The chanting was great....the moment should be frozen in time! ! The Ball is also over as well. It was definitely the best ball that I have ever been to.. The place was great...because one could see everyone who was present at the ball. The dance music was wonderful and the dances that we had were fun too. Sad to think that I would not know the next O-Week dance too but time passes....last Ball as well.... But as time passes one comes to accept that certain things have to happen and it is what you make out of it that decides whether u are an optimistic person or not. I could easily apply for a PR in Australia after I graduate...but then again there are so many other things that I should think about before making that decision. Maybe it is just me trying to stave off the real world. I remember Ms Tiew saying to me in SAM that uni life was going to be the best years of my life. I absolutely agree. Cafe auditions are under way. Medley work is under way. But the piles of assignments that I have is under deconstruction. Have done a lot of work the past few days. Also alot of exercise.. My body might give way soon. LOL Also trying to decide what to do during Winter. Ski or not to ski ? Where should I stay ? It's a complicated life !! |