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| Sunday, March 27, 2005 So it is another day. I mean it literally. Daylight saving time has just started and all of a sudden out of nowhere, I have an extra hour. Good I needed that. I have been living on the past few days with minimal sleep and I have totally lost my voice. I cannot speak and any squeaky noises I make are so funny and high-pitched I sound like a hamster. But besides that it has been a great weekend so far and should get better. It started on Thursday when I was having dinner with FredBear, OrangeBear, RaeBear, JinBear, KimBear, SharBear had dinner at Demorli, a little Jap/Korean restaurant down on Victoria St. Then we rushed for JessBear's housewarming party before leaving at 9 to watch the Ring 2 at the Jam Factory in Chapel St. DaveBear joined us there. Later we played Mahjong back at the TCC house at The Focal. We played money for real and this time I was the winner, luckily. It was some fun but not amazingly exciting rounds. We decided that Friday would not be a good day to go Hanging Rock after all and to postpone it to Sunday since we were going to Mt Dandenong on Saturday. And what a day it was. There were five cars and twenty participants on this day to the mountain to view scenic postcard landscapes and a whole new different kind of food in the form of scones and award winning pies. We kicked the footy around for a while as well as visited a water reservoir. An extremely quaint and funny little town, it was an interesting and fun trip altogether. Dinner was eaten at Pacific House, complete with pork, chicken, duck, squid and crab. Honestly, YUM. And then to come home to remember that EricBear, StephBear, SharoBear and RayBear were going to be in your apartment for a week, and have moved a lot of their stuff along, is a whole new different experience. It is funny as well. I hope everyone has a good Easter break !! Plus today, I will be visiting the Weribbee Zoo, taking Safari rides and then coming home to celebrate YvLBear's 21st birthday with a dinner of Peking Duck in Smith St. What a way to spend money..... :) Monday, March 21, 2005 Well it is not that I am lazy to update my blog but just that so many things have been happening lately there just is no time to do anything. Life is a big blur nowadays but things are beginning to settle down. There is now a pattern to class going and lunches as well as homework doing. I know more and more people and also is actually able to recognise them when I see them again. Thanks to the IH phonebook. Housewarming and parties once again being held almost every week and are great for seeing old friends, especially those who have moved out. Some who have always been out have also moved around.. It is quite confusing and I have taken to putting their apartment numbers on my mobile. Very convenient. National Night has passed ( It was China ) . It was the best national night that I had ever been to, the past few ones being India, Iraq, Greece and Cuba. It was nice being able to know what was going on for once. The thing is being Entertainment Coordinator this time around, I am taking the place of past seniors, however I do not feel that I have reached that level eg I am not that old yet. However I guess the same admiration and respect I had for the seniors are now reflected in the current fresher's attitudes towards me. That is great, but sometimes I just want to have some fun with them too and not just be a (whoa) senior. But thanks a lot to PatBear who did a lot of work on the entertainers. !! It was great working with you. Meanwhile Cafe is coming up and it will be busy. This is because I am organising the medley performance, (I am Entertainment Coordinator again...) as well as hoping to actually perform in a special elite (hehe) choir with HarvBear and some others. It will be great. I think maybe when I am older I might even participate in all those karaoke contests. Easter is also coming and there are already any plans which may I say are troubling to say the most. The main event is the houseboat and I have been looking forward to it since last February. Also there is a trip to Mt Dandenong for pies, a picnic at Hanging Rock, a barbecue as well as a birthday dinner already planned. There is also a housewarming that I have to go to as well as a day trip with DaveBear. Busy Busy. Speaking of DaveBear, he has been awesome !! Never knew him as well as I ever did. And now he is fantastic. It is a good thing we do all our classes together too. That was a lucky thing. And now at least I do not feel as lonely doing all my classes as I would have been. Lastly Aussie Rules football is starting this weekend and I have joined a fantasy league with some IHers as well as a nationwide tipping competition. Looking forward to the games !! Hurray. Saturday, March 12, 2005 Phew...Another week of work, lectures and tutorials over... Some great things happened though.. well first of all is the fact that I finished all my tute work.. ! hurray plus all my reading and tute answers. . Keep up the good work !! Other things that have happened this week includes of course one of my best friend's SueBear's birthday. Held at Watermark at Victoria Harbour, it was a blast and a great party... Thanks a lot !! Lots of fun... Of course it had to be on the same day as JinBear, NicBear and RoxBear's housewarming.which I went to earlier in the night..but it is OK .. of course I made it to both..In fact after SueBear's birthday, I returned later and played Mahjong all the way to the morning.... Obviously it is a mistake since I have a seminar now...(it is the morning) and only have had 30 minutes' nap...Then there is Dance practice for National Night....as well as Moomba later.. !! All in all a very busy weekend.. !! Not to mention IH GM later on Sunday night.. Best thing was seeing some old friends ! Hanging for a while..that was fun ! And of course putting my life in order...I overheard some things which helped me harden my resolve to study harder and be a better ?!?! person this semester and year !! Thanks mysterious (cos you guys don't know him) utterer of magical words.. I was actually very impressed and shall make this person a role model.... !! Friday, March 04, 2005 Ah the first weekend is here. Yesterday we had the Commencement Dinner...my third one... the great thing was, I finally got to walk in the procession..and I tell you..it was fantastic...dinner was good too...the appetizer was salmon soba....and then main was roast chicken breast with mashed potatoes....it was actually very nice and came with a very nice name too..but I just can't remember it.. As we walked down the road all the way to uni to have dessert and coffee...YvBear and EricBear and all the rest of them were singing songs together with me...It brings back a lot of memories...as I was doing exactly just that two years ago..with SharBear.... :) Happy Memories.. Class has been great so far...my subjects seem quite interesting...However I fell asleep in my first three lectures until I had some coffee from FreddiBear just before the fourth one..It was invigorating and I think I will have lots of coffee from now on.. Should be visiting Moomba next Saturday too ! Meanwhile, it is quite different at IH now...with a lot of people gone and still more already here...but I guess everything just takes getting used to. Miss the old people a lot...and feel really old sometimes but even WoobyBear feels it too...(LOL) I am also forgetting my age...someone asked me and I automatically answered 19...but shucks I turn 21 soon...OOPS ! The new apartment just gets better and better...cooked my first meal yesterday..and we need some deep bowls and a ladle....!! And for now...study.. !! and of course..a lot of work as Entertainment Coordinator for Cafe and National Night. ! Tata |