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| Thursday, December 16, 2004 Grooh. I have had so much need of sleep !!
I have to wake up at half past six most mornings...work till like about six...by the time i get back and have dinner and a shower its usually eight or half past. Quite a busy person.. ! And then I have to start work on my second job too. Well..that was illustrating children's books. So more work. Well, more money as well but then again less free time. I have not even started to edit my videos yet. But the songs here are great. Have been missing out while in Melbourne. So learning a lot of new songs. !! Also have a sudden glut of Arashi songs. Can you imagine it ?? EricBear and SharBear are on a visit from Vietnam and Singapore. Had them around yesterday. Amazing. Oh and the day before that... was with FangBear and then had food at Ming Tien with MaybBear, SzeBear, TKYBear, WoobyBear, ClBear. Later we met up with IsaBear, YvBear, StepBear, EricBear, SharBear at a Cheow Yang. On the plus side...I am definitely learning a lot of new roads around in PJ. That is good. It's a pretty good holiday so far...with visits from MinBear, the Twins, and LucBear. With AngBear maybe still to come...it should be fun..!! |