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| Wednesday, December 01, 2004 Hi....sorry for the long wait....it has been a busy weekend.
I touched down on Saturday night and had a rest that night. Did not feel like doing anything at all. It was a fun if bumpy flight. Having many people I knew on the same flight definitely made it more fun. Of course as usual there is the mood spoiler...well that is FatBear of course. No details..but it involves a lot of selfishness, arrogance and many many extra kilogrammes of luggage. I had fun sitting between the two YvonneBears and knowing there was another one somewhere in front. But what a day it was. To get ten people into three cabs on time was definitely not an easy task. As KennyBear later said..."It must have been so stressful for you..but thank goodness you were there" Actually just had to do a lot of logistics, arranging for luggage to be put into cabs, looking after many people, making sure a lot of things happened and that people were doing things at the right times. But we got there Phew !! I must declare here that it took a lot of leadership ...and I am very proud of myself. Thanks JasonBear and FangBear and PatBear who helped A LOT !! The flight was a fun one but I slept a lot due to the fact that I did not have any sleep or almost none for the previous two nights. Because of ParkyBear really who made me stay up with him and have vodka the whole night. Sunday required me to attend church of course and then it was grandfather's birthday. Finally got home around 4 pm..had a nap and then put up the Christmas tree with my sisters...A lot of work.. Then had dinner..(Japanese because I missed it so much)...I paid for my sisters la....generous ? maybe just glad to be home...then had a visit to PCYBear...drove to SS2.....new experience definitely....had some fun !! not much but still some... Monday....stress..went to make MyKad as well as renew my driving license...met JoyceBear there too... well what a waste of a whole day....had lunch and then later cleaned up a bit of my room and then had a visit and a talk with LainCBear and CTBear. I am proud of myself again because I sat in Secret Recipe for an hour and did not have anything to eat OR drink !! By now you should probably know that I plan to lose 10 kgs during these three months.... Tuesday was a rush. Had to get some clothes for work didn't I ? But also had to get groceries....and then rush because went out with JoanneBear and KYBear and JHBear...had some talk met some new people and then went bowling...surprised to get a 119 and then a more normal 94....so tired...had dinner...but have new shoes Hurray !! TODAY IS WEDNESDAY....and I appreciate money so much more..it is such a torture to go to work and it is only the first day..I do hope it will get better...!! Will tell more next time.. !! Have fun for your holidays Everyone ! |