
Sometimes you need a place to tell your stories. Or whisper a secret. Or complain. Or make an announcement. Or tell a joke. Or maybe just let your friends know what you are doing at the moment. This is my place.


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Age: 26
Birthday: 22 July
Horoscope: Cancer
E-mail: cleverkiwibird@hotmail.com


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Thursday, November 25, 2004

This shall be the last of the stories coming from Melbourne for three months. Yup, that's right. I have a plane ticket for the flight leaving Melbourne for Kuala Lumpur on the 27th of November.

Another year has passed with all sorts of wonderful memories. Well, as much as I can remember that is. There was Orientation Week where it was so much work but so much fun remembering another 120 new names. Then after that of course was all the sports and not to mention some clubbing and some studying.

Of course everyone remembers the terrible results I got for the first semester but then of course I had one of the best holidays in my whole life, travelling around country Australia as well as having the chance the visit Canberra and Sydney again.

The new semester started with firm resolutions to study harder..and I am proud to say that I did. Otherwise I would have just crawled under a rock for this semester's exams. But I guess hard work does pay at least a little in confidence while sitting for the exams. Will study even harder next semester !!

Then had a great time learning how to ski. What a wonderful feeling to learn something absolutely new. Skiing is great fun. There was also the whole new group of freshers to make friends with. Nice people !

Wonderful world it is at this moment. Will miss all the Melbourne people a lot..but also excited at going home, meeting old friends and going to work. Yes that's right, I will be working full time this holidays. Whoa...!!

:) Till the first Malaysian Bear Story...leave you for this moment to go have a tipple with great friends. See ya !!

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 7:50 PM


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Grooh. one exam to go and I wish it was tomorrow. Just want to get it over with. The packing is going really well. And I will not be surprised at all if everything turns out well.

Really actually after Thursday I do not think this blog will be updated for like 3 days, those being the times when everything is packed, I have no computer, will be getting trashed for 2 days..and a plane ride home.

Another year has passed ... well in terms of uni years anyway and I believe it is just flying away so fast. This holidays, where I could have had a lot of plans, instead I have to work instead at an office job. Now, does that not reek of middle-aged ?

Reading Dan Brown's Deception Point. Not bad too.... It is the fourth book of his that I am reading so...pretty much have all his books. He's alright as a writer.

Last night had a late 7-11 trip with ParkyBear to get some food. Had a nice walk down to Brunswick and back.

Next year....can't wait for it...yet do not want time to pass...

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 9:47 PM


Monday, November 22, 2004

I cannot believe that I can possibly be bored but I am.

After three quarters of my exam and studying three quarters for the last one, I have started packing. To go Home. Most of my things are divided into four piles. To keep here, be thrown and be kept. To bring home, to keep and to bring back here. Very very complicated.

Got conned watching A Cinderella Story. Terrible Terrible !!!

Sigh Bored !

But Still packing.

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 7:37 PM


Friday, November 19, 2004

Well the worst is well and truly over. Three exams have come and gone and the last one is an exam with only MCQ questions. Could be studied in a day but of course would rather not. Taking two days off for holiday, some shopping and lots of packing.

The exams this time were just as hard as last semester although I have tried so much so much harder. I think my brain is truly destroying itself and I for one cannot wait for the time when I can stop formal education and go on with life.

Don't get me wrong. I love my life now. I like learning some of my subjects, love going to university and meeting people, attending meetings, hanging around with complete strangers and taking part in various activities. However, the study part is bringing me down. Of course you can say that I have bad time management, I might have to agree. And I really will miss the life I am having now very badly, mostly in part to the many dear friends I have made since I came to Melbourne.

But the excitement of getting a job and working my way through life is great. I got my second job offer for this coming summer holidays. So pretty much settled for this holiday. Plus I have my baby : a video project I am making for all my friends in International House.

Lots of things to do and lots of old friends to meet !

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 11:34 PM


Another exam wil be over in 5 hours' time. Then I would be left with just one exam and one week to go before I return home to Malaysia. Loading the blog now seems a tad faster and I am also relieved to hear that maybe the tagboard's problems is with the provider and not myself. Phew.

Holidays would be an experience. This is because for the first time I would be working full time for the duration of the holidays - a three month long thing. Had just two hours sleep so far in the last 48 hours....damn ! Need some sleep after this exam although will be out celebrating too.

Need to do some shopping before going home too. I guess will do Christmas shopping at home. Although where I am going to find the time for that I will never know. SharBear is returning home today with JinBear to go on Tuesday. It is a sad time knowing that some people you will not meet for 3 months.

But the happy thing is to know that well at least you have some friends...and at the risk of sounding bitchy....(not like some people ...) haha....

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 8:34 AM


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

More problems with the blog ... now the titles do not come out any more....that is a problem..

Exam tomorrow. Yet I am still tinkering around with this blog thing. Sigh.

Somehow the page takes extremely long to load. I don't know about your computer though. The tagboard seems to have some problems from time to time too. But at least well I got some pictures on the site now. Hurray.

Have gone to WaiBear's house for two days in a row now to bombard him with questions about tomorrow's exam. Learnt a lot. Hopefully will not forget it soon.

Study !!!

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 4:07 PM


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I have just spent 3 hours changing the look of this blog. A lot more work needs to be done to it though I know.

It's not bad and the more I look at it the more I like it. I plan to do some more though. Notice I need to put in the comments part back onto the individual blog entries. The background needs some work. Maybe something dark and earthy.

But it is still exam time and it's not like I have sat for any more papers since the last entry update. Arghhh.. ! Back to work !

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 6:57 PM


Saturday, November 13, 2004

I just cannot believe myself. As everyone knows exams are near. Actually I have already had one exam and am just waiting to sit for three more. However, I have already been out a lot and also been conned to watch two movies, The Notebook and Bridget Jones' Diary 2. Not bad movies but I should have been studying !!

Gosh. And I believe that tonight I am going to an East Timorese band performance as it is also a farewell to someone at IH. GOSH !!

Study ! Must Study !

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 10:25 AM


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

After one exam, I am a little more positive on the whole experience and am also more pumped to study for the next one. But everyone around me are more stressed than usual as well and that scares me. Phew !

I have to pack up my room within the next two weeks too as I have plans for the two days between my last paper and my flight home. Big Job there but I expect it to be smooth. A more complicated worry is to wonder which item of clothing to bring home and which to leave here.

It's a little short but it will have to do as I still have three more exams ! Grrrrrrrr.

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 11:50 AM


Sunday, November 07, 2004

Two days to exams. Whoops.

Need to increase studying. I think I am pretty well prepared for the Economics exam. Need to work hard for my Statistics though. Which is also one reason that this post is not very long. In fact, it ends now.

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 10:08 AM


Thursday, November 04, 2004

All in all I have gone to that McDonald's four nights in a row. I think even the late night staff recognise us now. Time flies during swot vacation. So fast !

When I think back on what I did for the past few days, library, coffee, work, sleep, read. Sigh.

Happy and exciting things still happen though. Like yesterday when SherBear and I took a walk to OrangeBear's new place. It took only five minutes. That is really fast. Or even today, when NeetBear gave everyone some chocolates. Or yesterday again, when I was with the new freshers and collected Red Bull for free from the three girls coming around everyone's room.

I got my old CD Drive and and external hard drive attached. However need to get my burner back to the shop to be exchanged. Dang it. Lazy to go to the city again.

Might just have an early night, since got a lot of things tomorrow.

Oh I got a job !! Well actually several, but then I guess one of them is really the best and I will probably choose that one. ! But less holidays it means for me as well as not being able to go to Hong Kong. Grrrrr..

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 5:37 PM


Monday, November 01, 2004

You can tell that it is nearer to the exam periods when the frequency of blogs are less and less.

But on Saturday I was out for dinner with RoxBear and NiqBear. Later at 2 am found me out at McDonalds with FangBear, SherBear, SharBear and ShayBear. It was just a random going out and relax thing. I did not really need to relax as I have not done any studying that day at all.

Funny thing was, there being this rift with FatBear all the past 3 weeks, SherBear and FangBear were trying to get me to make a move to patch things up. They were not very persuasive though. As in their arguments to patch things up were just not good enough. I simply thought it not worth my time.

The next day was FredBear's 21st birthday celebration. We spent the whole afternoon playing Shrek on playstation, mahjong, cards, and eating. It was like a birthday party from when we were young except of course all the entertainment is slightly different but the food was around the same eg chicken wings, pizza, fruit, jelly, chips and coke.

It was during this time that I found something really funny. FangBear came up to me and told me that he found FatBear really annoying during that party. I laughed my guts out. (Seriously the only reason the rift occurred was just that I could not put up with his annoyingness anymore) So.. I told him to have a nice little chat with FatBear just like he asked me to do. He laid off the topic after that obviously.

Later on, that night at midnight went out for another excursion with SharBear, TasBear and ParkyBear. We returned to the McDonalds at Richmond before driving off for an hour's walk along the St Kilda beach. Then drove to Port Melbourne and spent some time in Docklands as well, drove under the Docklands bridge and finally reached home at three. Sleep was in order then as SwotVac has begun !!

Study !!

Cleverkiwibird Another story was told at 6:45 AM


Stories by KWBear. Hope you enjoyed your time here.