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| Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Visited OrangeBear's prospective apartment for next year. It is pretty nice to have as a one-person apartment. What is worrying is that he would be living alone with bad cooking skills not to mention a very messy character. I am sure it will all work out next year.
This is also supposed to be a sequel to a previous story. Although I can safely claim to have many great girl-friends...there is nothing to a guy like a best bud. And phew, there are quite a few of them too. Cheers go out to some best pals from primary school like NicBear, AdBear, TehBear. These are some of the guys that I still look out for and hang around with and yearn to share some time with. I remember the times we spent even then on art projects, cycling around the area, trading cookies and even some little fights. PhilBear and MalBear to some extent, spent a lot of time with them especially towards Year 6, 7 and 8. Great people to be with and can make me laugh any time. Hope to see you guys around. Just missed seeing MalBear but have at least caught PhilBear around. Great to have gone on to meet JengBear, CYBear, RBear, KYBear and AfBear. These people are the best. There could never be any closer friend for me especially JengBear and CYBear. I might not have seen them for two years but whenever we pick up the phone, we can still talk for hours, whining and complaining. What are friends for right ? In Melbourne, my two great friends, OrangeBear and FredBear. Thank you so much. Have learnt so much, enjoyed so much, laughed so much, had so much fun with the both of you. It will be really sad when it comes to the time when we part after we graduate. But of course you know our friendship will always last right !? And how could I ever forget ParkyBear and TasBear ?! Love all these guys man. The best friends a guy could have. Meanwhile after celebrating TasBear's birthday with a yumcha, it was great (at the Holiday Inn). That night we surprised FredBear at his place. We bought him a muffin and sang him a birthday song. Disappointed ? Of course. But not to worry, within 20 minutes we had another 16 people coming with a huge cake. Happy 21st FredBear. |