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| Thursday, October 14, 2004 Today was Valedict's Dinner. It is one of the big four major formal dinners at International House. This was to celebrate the students at IH who had either stayed for three years or more or people about to graduate.
Amazingly 35 people valedicted this year, probably due to the fact that last year's dinner was a big success. This year was not too bad either except I doubt many people from this year are going to valedict in the future. The video presentation and the handing out of awards were not very well done. When I do my valedicts next year I sincerely hope to have a really nice one and coordinate it nicely. Tonight is the last night I go to bed dreaming about assigments. All will be over by 4 pm tomorrow. This said, I have been living on too little sleep. So I better go. Try and get some sleep I mean. TasBear and FredBear's birthdays are coming up on the same day on the 24th. NeetaBear will celebrate hers this saturday. So busy am I.. |