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| Wednesday, September 29, 2004 Watched The Producers at the Princess Theatre yesterday ! Gosh it was amazing and reminded me of jsut how much I love music, showbusiness and dancing.
For those who don't know, the Producers is a live musical on stage, much like Cats or Fame. The jokes were pretty good, and quite easy to understand which was important. A very funny thing was how they poked fun at the Queer Eye people. I am slowly but surely catching up on my homework so that is a good thing. However I dread next week when I am sure that I will have three assignments to be finished in 2 weeks time. Which means for the first time in my life I would have assignments from every subject that I am doing at the same time. But I can do it !! Bridge Road with mom and sis today. I wouldn't say I spent a lot but I definitely did get about 10 items of clothing which has just tripled my total before today - 3. Terrible ? Maybe. But a lot of fun. A new wardrobe (not entirely) for the last 4 weeks ? I am still looking for ways to improve this place.. I want to put a tagboard on...links would be great..number of visitors maybe ? more stuff about myself...it will take a while..but no fear...! Monday, September 27, 2004 Mom and Sis had brunch with RaeBear, OrangeBear, NiqBear, CCYBear, LSBear, FredBear and Fatbear.
As expected, she told me OrangeBear was very shy. Lol.. It was pretty good and cheap as well. Surprisingly, everyone was full very fast ! I am up to Week Five in my revising...so about halfway through. Study Study Study !! Exams is in 5 weeks' time !! Sunday, September 26, 2004 Grand Final DAY ! Port Power had a magnificent game against the Brisbane Lions. I loved every minute of the game. Went downt to Prince Alfred's to watch the game. I won a raffle for 25 dollars of drinks too. Wow..talk about luck.
Sigh. Great day. Fantastic Season. Thanks again to OrangeBear and RobBear who introduced footy to me and kept my interest alive. Hope to have as much fun with you guys next season. Later that night, we celebrated SharBear's birthday. Unfortunately she could not make it to the dinner. So we had dinner by ourselves lol, it was JinBear, RoxBear, KimBear, OrangeBear, NiqBear, RaeBear, FredBear, WoobyBear and myself. We took a trip to Crown later and watched Sharktale. Quite interesting..not badly done but I think a lot of people in the audience did not get the jokes. Oops ! Then all adjourned back to IH and had mango cake with SharBear who made it. Finally. Lovely Day. See you next year AFL ! Friday, September 24, 2004 Woohoo !!
I have just returned from attending the Grand Final AFL Parade in the city. It was great !! Basically just me and OrangeBear hanging out together. How I love these times. We got there around 10 for the 12 oclock parade which was much too early. We had some brekkie at maccas and then bought a herald sun to read. When we were done with that, we got an AFL record and read that too. The parade was great or did I say that before. I was like 1 metre away from the likes of Chris Judd, 2004 Brownlow winner. Then of course there were all the players from Port Power and Brisbane Lions. It was all very exciting and it was a very big carnival atmosphere. I am extremely glad I took up football this year. Mainly, it has increased things that OrangeBear and I could do together, increased my participation in college sport (I trained with the team !!), expanded my knowledge of all things Aussie...and I got to know a few great blokes around. Australian Football is so wrongly maligned as a tough and rough sport. It is also a very beautiful game and a good match is a gem to watch. I love Aus Football..I only wish I could afford a Grand Final ticket. But at least I have been to several games this season. Hopefully more next season too. Oh and for those who did not know. Recently I won a tipping contest at college. Basically I had to tip which team was going to win..and in my first season..I have won ! Hurray. Now I am playing Fantasy Soccer at Yahoo with college again. After a 6 year hiatus in EPL soccer...I am making a comeback. Looking for the SportsPerson within....lol Wednesday, September 22, 2004 OrangeBear visited yesterday. We had a great time hanging out just talking about nonsense and football. He is so different without his girlfriend. More open, laughs more, talks and does more nonsense as well. Basically more fun.
Well but since RaeBear is my good friend as well I won't complain much. She is not bad at all. Maybe a little more demanding than I would like but as long as OrangeBear can stand it...I wish them the best of luck. Mom and Sis are here. They have altered my room sooo much. It is NOT cleaner. But a lot more stuff ! OrangeBear and I are going to the Footy Parade on Friday and then watching the Grand Final. Hurray. Tuesday, September 21, 2004 I have just come back from skiing.
Although the journeys to and fro weren't great, the place was great. On the first day, when I first had to put on those heavy shoes, omigosh..it was worse than giving birth not that I have done it before. But I did mention that I would have rather gambled away the money spent on the trip than to succumb to the torture. I fell, slipped, slid. A lesson by an instructor did not do much good either. That night I was defeated but then was revitalised by a massive steamboat on top of the mountaintop. We had brought all our own food and the pot you see. After some games of mahjong I went to bed. Next morning, I decided to lie in bed until lunch time so that I could ski at lunch time when there was the least people skiing. It worked. I tried an easy slope and discovered the secret in skiing in the second try. Hurray. Moved on to intermediate slopes and just applied some things that I learnt by myself without the help of the instructor. Hurray. Then went to another intermediate slope and could do that as well. I was sooo happy you know ! That night was steamboat again. Nothing warms you up like a steamboat. Had some sparklers and planned to light them at night but it was too cold for them to light. Bah. Third day was the best I think. Had another lesson with another instructor. It was a harder lesson of course. After going down the second intermediate slope, we went down to a much harder but also intermediate slope. It was amazing. I did it without falling. ! Hurray for me. Later that day, I tried jumping as well. Failed the first five times and succeeded the next time I tried. Wow. Imagine me jumping in my skis. Very the cool. Holidays are here ! Phew. My mom is coming over tomorrow with my older sister. So good times ahead. But of course... I defintely must revise my studies. Exams are in 4 weeks. Then going home. Time has passed so fast ! I have resolved to be more positive as well. No more negative blogs. You can obviously see it from this entry compared to previous ones. Unless of course..it was really bad. Haha. Still too lazy to put pictures. Maybe a tagboard. Maybe. Friday, September 17, 2004 I have had around 10 hours of sleep in 3 days.
Rushing assignments, watching movies and hanging around with my friends. Oh the weariness that bugs is hardly there. Today is the wonderful last day of semester and I am extremely happy. (ps read the rest with a posh British accent) It seems like it was only yesterday when I was told of a terrible assignment. But hope and love prevails and it was to my great fortune that I received 10 for my little test mishap resit. Bless the world. WaiBear and myself were enjoying ourselves in FatBear's room. All were having a good time until FatBear decided to turn nasty. Needless to say we got out of there in a flurry. I am glad that WaiBear might be staying with us next year. It marks a milestone in our relationship. *wink* Skiing at 2 am tonight. So fare thee well, precious blog and beloved readers ! For the next three days before my mother and elder sister arrives in Melbourne for a two week break. To next time, the name is Bear.....WinkyBear. Wednesday, September 15, 2004 FatBear was exceptionally nice today. Wonder why...I think he wants me to proof read his macro essay.
Meanwhile after watching Johnny English and Underworld until 4 am in the morningl, I did my assignment !! It is almost finished la..except to edit and make it look all nice and neat now. It is CCYBear's birthday now and we just had a celebration. Not bad it was once of the more "big" events happening since usually its either freshers or seniors but because he was basically a part of both so had quite a good turnout ! The cake was a bit dry but NicBear and RaeBear said it was nice. Well each to own taste. I like to believe that my taste in cakes is more sophisticated. Now, I have just finished watching 50 First Dates and will pull another late night editing my essay. Long Day tomorrow. After the longest day at Uni I think will have to buy some food for ski trip, resit for my extremely hard actuarial exam, which means stay up until very late at night. I might have to finish my maths assignment tomorrow too as I might not be able to hand it up if I am skiing. MichBear is refusing to come to Friday reunion. Hmph. She is naughty. She and MalfBear are currently now the only readers of my blog I think. Maybe later I will promote my blog haha. On with the assignment !! Just woke up. Class at 11. Can you believe it ? I slept at four last night doing the macroeconomics assignment. After procrastinating for about 5 hours...i did it.
IT is terrible. Kids do not try this at home. I am so tired now..but had a steaming shower, feel much better now. Remember my test last week ? It was an open book, online test of 15 multiple choice questions worth 20% of the subject mark. Highest ? 9 out of 15. I got 6. FatBear got 5. I was happy I got more than him but it was still a low mark. Apparently the average mark was 3 or 4. SO now they are going to have a retest tomorrow. Which means I wont be able to do much macro assignment then. Which also means that I will not be able to go out and buy food for my ski trip until friday afternoon. Which is also bad since I might have a college reunion at 6 o clock. Maybe I should pack when I am procrastinating. What should I wear to the reunion. Questions run through my mind. ARGHHHH......... ArBear discussed the macro assignment with me, SherBear later told me that FatBear was badmouthing me about the assignment saying how my explainations were non-economical. What does he know ? He did Science before.. pffftttttt Hate Him. JinBear dropped in for a while and we had a nice little bitching session about him and AndBear. True and Deserved. Other than that it is all very peaceful in the world of bears. Haha Monday, September 13, 2004 FatBear is so getting on my nerves !
It's bad enough that he has his bouts of spontaneous Pissed Off Moods..but he has to go around making everyone feel miserable. With huge gargantuan amounts of self-pity he has somehow convinced himself he is the unluckiest person in the world without a single friend. Sigh. I pity him sometimes but everytime he follows a fixed routine namely : Pissed off over something (most of the times it's nothing) Talks to noone Finally complains to me Talks for hours complaining and then asking for advice Promises to change Apologises A bit different for a day Back to old habits. It never changes. I hate him for making me feel miserable. I pity him as well because he makes himself so miserable. But I really rather not speak to him most of the time. DO I sound mean ? I try not too. I am a very happy person really. But I need to complain too and what better place than a blog ? Sunday, September 12, 2004 Wow what a fantastic AGM !!
SalBear got President and ParkyBear was Vice. TasBear remained AO and FangBear was reduced to Male Sports Rep. Of course SherBear and myself were returned unopposed. It marks an exciting new era of the IHSC. PatBear did not get any post. I don't know if that is fortunate or not. HiggsBear didn't run at all..a big relief. BuckBear was disappointing in that he did not get a post. He should have stuck to CO. I cannot believe that I have a class (macroecons) tomorrow at nine. Sigh. MinBear is in town from Canberra. MichBear said nice things about me in her blog. I will link people as soon as I find out how. To all my devoted fans, not very many of you actually........ I will strive to improve this blog !!! Saturday, September 11, 2004 Maybe I am blogging too many times a day. But it is OK > since its the first day right ??
JinBear, RoxBear went to Mt Dandenong today with LucBear and PliBear. Apparently they had a wonderful time eating pies. I was eating pie too for lunch. Can't get enough pie I think. They bought me a couple of nerds. I was very surprised. "Haven't seen them before !" They were actually like a bunch of Fizzy Sweets stuck onto a stick of Gummi. Not bad. Very important day tomorrow. As I said before the AGM is tomorrow ! Politics are heating up. ParkyBear isn't too pleased that CJBear wanted him to be a nominator. I hope TasBear and WoobyBear win their respective posts. They would be great to work with. Essendon is losing its AFL quarterfinals against Geelong. I am NOT very happy. Sigh. Just found out that I probably can't post any pictures on this blog as my college firewall prevents me from doing so. Unless I link photos from somewhere else which I do not know how to do..Argh..its getting less and less fun.
Well. I guess this would just make this a pretty boring blog. NO......see the pessisim arising..good thing is I guess not much people will read this blog yet. SO i can just keep on and on... To SMT Bear, who vigorously asked me to make this blog..you better help me make it more interesting !! arhghh It seems as blogging isn't as glamourous as I first thought. There's all the hard languages in computerworld that you have to understand and I don't. It's hard to make it just right as well. But maybe I will get better at it.
Right now, this is Sept 11 and it will be a happy day and not a sad one as my blog will start. It doesn't sound very happy now but then I hope this post will get better. Let's see some important things happening in Bear World today. I have a macroeconomics assignment due in a week but have not started. Bleh. Gross. Tomorrow is the AGM of International House, a residential college in Melbourne where I live. I am currently on the executive commitee, (post = Treasurer) and I intend to run again for next year. It is interesting to watch politics in action. Basically I started this blog after reading about 20 of my friends' blogs for about 1 year. It seemed interesting and it was also an easy way to keep updated about their lives. Well, I hope I get more inspiration to type not much to type about now except I want to announce my Best Friend in Melbourne here is OrangeBear. lol |