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| Saturday, March 29, 2008 Yesterday night, we finally finally finally went to watch 27 Dresses. We have been waiting for this movie to come out ever since Chinese New Year. So finally to sort of celebrate JinBear and RaeBear's final interview, we planned to have dinner at Bavarian Bierhaus (where I sat in the same booth for the third time in three times) and then watch the movie. Of course joined by MeiBear and KwanBear. The movie was FANTASTIC. Well, I know I shall get over the hype and be more objective with the reviews later, but at this moment, I am still basking in the afterglow of emotions after the movie and fell all floaty and lovey and huggy and everything. It was sooooooo...........something that I needed. I need rocoms (romantic comedies) from time to time, especially when I get a little stressed at work, and it was just at the right time. Katherine Heigl is still as pretty as ever, James Marsden still suave, and the combination worked out quite well. Even the sister was pretty. And the best romantic comedies that I love are the ones that deal with weddings .. (eg Wedding Planner, Best Friend's Wedding, Wedding Crashers, Wedding Singer, Runaway Bride, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Wedding Date....). I so did not google that list. Haha. Now I feel like watching MBFGW again.. Wait a minute, the word wedding seems a bit weird at the moment, like I spelt it wrong, but it is just something...Oh wait, I can see how it works now... Yea anyway, I LOVE wedding shows. And then we were discussing our ideal weddings. And I am ashamed to say it, but I want a wedding. Lol. Just like how in the movie someone said "You do not want a marriage, you want a wedding...". Yep. That is me. At the moment anyway. HAHAHAHAHA. But it was soooooooooooooooo sweet. UNTIL THIS STUPID KID SITTING IN FRONT OF US STOOD UP DURING THE CREDITS AND SHOUTED THAT THE SHOW WAS SO BORING AND THAT HE WOULD RATHER WATCH 10,000 BC. > <"" I wanted to slap him. How dare he ? When the credits were still rolling and there were still things to watch !!!!?!?!?!??!?! I was indignant the whole way home and we even called RoxBear and SharBear to tell them about it. We retired to the House of Fun (JinBear's house) and played some rummy. I won once, and lost all my money. Sort of a foregone conclusion. Sigh. Yes. Anyway. Remind me to make JinBear and RaeBear watch "Just Follow Law' which is a really good Singaporean comedy released last year. REMIND ME !!!! YES. KOREA. DAMN EXCITED. In a few hours, will be "Seoul-ed Out !" Have a good week everyone ! |