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| Saturday, January 06, 2007 Why do guys diss their girlfriends behind their backs ? Including the ones they plan to marry ? Does it make them feel more macho ? Like they like the girl but only if she likes them more ? And that they can live without them anyway ? But if so, then why stay with her ? Anyway ! Parents left from Shanghai after being here for a week. I think they brought away more stuff than they brought here. And they promised to bring stuff home for me..but ended up, they had so much stuff of their own. But I think they had a pretty good time shopping here. I must say, some things can seem dirt cheap here compared to Malaysia. Today after they left, went to XuJiaHui to meet some of the colleagues here to play 80 Points - which is a very popular card game here, rivalled only by Mahjong. I must say, I am quite addicted to it now. It has some similarities to Bridge, and can be explained with that terminology but it is slightly harder. Good game to learn if you want something new after playing bridge for a long time. We played till 10 pm in a nice cafe type of thing much like WongKok CCT except that in this place, everyone was sitting in groups of 4, playing this game. So you can think for yourself how popular this game is here. With the extension confirmed, my new date of return to Malaysia is February 4th. Hopefully that is not too late to catch the people home from Melbourne ! And also just in time for CNY to play some Mahjong !!!!!!!!! Too bad, some people have already returned to Melbourne for Summer. I wonder if all of us from my year will be able to keep our pact to meet up back in Melbourne this year ? I hope so. Otherwise, work is getting better as more things become understandable day by day. Have been liasing with people from India, Malaysia, Shenzhen and other parts of China every day. Project work is like that I suppose. Filled with deadlines and people. I hope I can make a good difference here. At least I know now that the boss here is very happy with my work here and wants me to stay as long as possible. That is some very good news. My relationship with the colleagues here is also getting better and better. Very good in fact ! I hope this lasts ! I will miss them very much when I leave, as I know there will be very little chance of us meeting again in the future.... But people come and people go in your life. |